What Blogmas Means To Me | Blogmas Day 23

Happy Blogmas Day 23!

Here's another rambly post for you - and the last Christmas-based post before actual Christmas, as tomorrow I'm uploading a film review.

It's so weird that I'm this close to the end of Blogmas when last month, I wasn't even sure that I was going to do it. And I guess that's what this post is about.

I have no idea what's going to happen this time next year, but of course it's entirely possible that next year is the year that I give up Blogmas. As much as I hope that it's not, I don't want to forget how much time writing all these posts took, and the effort that it took to come up with 25 ideas and watch 12 movies specifically for this purpose. And next year, I might decide that it's not something I want to do, or I might decide that doing Blogmas is exactly what I need to do.

But if it's not, then this will be one of my last ever Blogmas posts. So I wanted to think a bit about what Blogmas has meant to me over the years.

When I first did Blogmas back in 2014, it was something fun. But not only that, it was something that made me feel extremely connected to the community. At the time, everyone that I knew in the Blogging world was doing Blogmas, and it was really exciting. We got to read everyone's posts, and it felt like something we were all doing together.

Even in 2015, it was like this. It felt like a very inclusive thing, and for me at least, it made me feel part of a community, because it was something that everyone was doing.

2016 was the year that I decided to switch things up a bit. As fun as Blogmas in 2015 was, thinking of 100% Christmas based posts was extremely hard, and the quality of those posts definitely suffered because it wasn't something that I really wanted to write about. So I decided to focus on my passion - film.

I had half of the posts based on Christmas, and the other half on movies. In fact, that is something that I'd like to do again, because a lot of the posts were things that have changed over time, like my favourite directors or actors/actresses - and I'd love to actually make a physical note of these changes.

And then in 2017, my Blogmas became what it is now, half Christmas, half movie reviews. But between 2017 and 2018, the majority of my posts became reviews anyway, so I guess this made this year's Blogmas a bit easier.

But all in all, Blogmas means a lot to me. It's like a yearly check in between myself and my blog to see where we're at. It also reminds me of a time when blogging was a real community thing rather than an individual project.

But either way, I'm so happy that I kept Blogmas up for 4 years in a row, and whether that happens for a fifth year or not, I love what it has been, and I loved doing it this year, no matter how hard it was.

Have you ever done Blogmas? Tell me in the comments!

It's 2 days until Christmas!

Come back tomorrow for Blogmas day 24!


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