3 Months and Fun Questions

I can't believe it, but this blog has been properly up and running for 3 months!

I know that this won't seem like a long time to most people reading, but for me, it's a huge amount of time! I'm the type of person that starts a million different things at once and gets bored of every one of them. And I never had long-term plans for this blog, it was always something that I wanted to do but I never thought that people would like it.

I never expected to have followers, or have people tweeting about my blog or commenting on it. But the amount of support that I have got for my blog is amazing! If you've commented on my blog in any way, whether on the hopeful forum, on twitter or on the blog itself, thank you so much.

On Thursday, I played around with my blog a bit. If you're not reading this on a laptop then you may not have noticed (I've not worked out how to change anything on the phone version yet!) but if you are reading on a laptop, then you would have seen the changes in my fonts and the 'About Me' and 'Contact Me' pages that have been added. It may not seem like a lot, but this has really made me happy with my blog. It really excites me when I'm planning my posts, and seeing how they look, when they go from paper planning to actually being in print on my blog is something that makes me really happy!

Ok, now that my appreciations are out of the way, it's time for some fun!

I saw this on the internet as I was looking for new ideas for posts.

I'm doing the 'Fun Questions Tag' that I found here on http://seanajvixen.blogspot.co.uk
I'm not going to do all of the questions, I'm just going to pick my favourites!

The Fun Questions Tag!

1) When is your birthday? (You don't have to include the year if you don't want to.)
12th December, as I've probably mentioned before. 13 days before Christmas!

2) What are 3 of your favorite colors?

Silver, pink and blue. I only became obsessed with pink after starting this blog. I love the pink theme that I've chosen and have had so many compliments about it!
3) Are you addicted to YouTube?

I kind of feel that it's impossible not to be addicted to youtube!

4) What are 3 of your favorite shows on TV or YouTube or both?

Modern Family, Family Guy and Two and a Half Men currently.

5) What are 3 qualities you like in a best friend?

Loyalty, kindness and a joint weirdness!

6) Do you like your name? 


7) If you have the choice to pick your own name, what will it be?

I'd like a name that could have a proper nickname, like Rebecca or Amelia

8) Do you wear makeup?
Apart from the things that were in my bag in yesterday's post, I don't wear make-up at all. And this isn't because I think I have perfect skin (far from it!) but I've never worn it and never really known how to apply it well. That's not saying I never will, I just currently don't.

9) If you could write a book, what would the title be and what would it be about?

I want to write a book and am currently planning a few, so unfortunately I can't give out names or plots just yet. But when I have a definite plan, you'll be the first to know!

10) What makes you cry?

Anything! Seriously, I am the most emotional person I know. Movies, books, tv shows, anything sad (or happy) makes me cry.

11) What makes you angry?

People who have no consideration for other people's feelings, and when people treat their 'friends' badly.

12) What makes you happy?

Music, books, YouTubers, BoyBands, lots of things!

13) What is "Fangirling?"

This is my favourite question. I've purposely not looked up an official definition so that I can just tell you my version. To me, fangirling is when someone is in love with/slightly obsessed with a celebrity/band/youtuber and they are willing to dedicate something, for example a twitter account, to the love of their choice. I probably didn't explain that very well, but I am a massive fangirl, so I hope I gave my fellow fangirls a good enough description!

14) What are your 3 favourite snacks?

I am addicted to white chocolate magnums, fruit pastille ice lollies and chocolate chip cookies!

15) What are your 3 favorite drinks?

Apple juice, Fanta fruit twist and cloudy lemonade

16) What are 10 random facts about you?

- I'm addicted to fizzy drinks
- I've never worn foundation
- I live in leggings and harem pants
- I listen to songs and imagine it's me singing
- I always cry watching Monsters Inc
- I love musicals!
-I've got about 20 unfinished books sitting on my laptop
- My last purchase on iTunes was 'Happy Little Pill' by Troye Sivan
- The Wanted follow me on twitter
- I'm in love with the idea of love

Thank you for reading. And if you've stuck with me for the last 3 months, thanks from the bottom of my heart.

If you're a recent viewer of my blog, please follow me, you won't be disappointed (I hope!)

Comment below your answers to the fun questions tag!


  1. Thank you for the nice comment on my last post! Your blog is so cute and I love the theme! I also love that you do book reviews! I've been looking for some good reads this summer and I'm definitely going to check out some of the books you reviewed!

    xx pearlsandpilates.blogspot.com

  2. love this blog (especially the bit in the description about speaking fluent sarcasm!) I may have to try the fun questions tag. Please carry on you're doing great xxx


  3. Congrats on three months! Check out my Fun Questions Tag! I also wrote a book review a few weeks ago and I see you do book reviews as well! :) https://shellyray.wordpress.com/2015/09/22/the-fun-questions-tag/


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