Vertigo | 100 Movies Bucket List


Next up was a Hitchcock classic!

I'm a huge Hitchcock fan, so I had seen this movie (as well as the other Hitchcock movie on this list, coming up at some point).

This is a great movie - though probably my least favourite of the Hitchcock movies I've seen. But great nonetheless!

I think the best thing about it is the storytelling, the way the plot unfolds. You're invested from the very first moment and as things get more and more intense, you're completely along for the ride.

And the more invested you are, the more you don't see the twists coming, which just makes everything all the more entertaining.

It's also visually stunning, and filmed in a really interesting way in order to capture the extent of vertigo the main character has.

So yes, this is a great movie, and definitely worth watching! But more than anything, it made me really excited to watch the other Hitchcock movie on this list!


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