Should I Be a Beauty Blogger?

Hey Guys x

Thanks so much for your messages about yesterday's post, where I wrote about my anxiety. If you haven't seen that post yet, you can view it here!

I don't really put my blog into a category, mainly because there's not one main thing that I post about.

This year, I've been getting more into the beauty side of things, trying out different make-up looks, buying more products, things like that. When I first got these products, I considered making the majority of my posts about fashion or beauty.

The reason for this was because, as you probably know, beauty posts tend to be the most popular posts. Make-up tutorials, outfits of the day and beauty bargains make up most of the blogosphere and they get the most views, because when people think of blogs, their minds go to Zoella and Tanya Burr, who started their careers with beauty blogs.

And of course, I'd like to have a popular blog. Most people who blog want to have a popular blog. It would be amazing to have millions of readers hanging on to my every word and buying products just because I mention them in passing!

But at the same time, I would rather have a blog that I feel really passionate about than a blog that gets millions of views.

And, not fitting into a category does have its advantages.

One main one being that I can post whatever I want.

When you stick to one category, it can be easy for your viewers to only look to you for one specific thing. Because of this, it can be harder to branch out and talk about other things that interest you, besides your chosen category.

Take me for example, I've done posts about baking, disney, beauty(ish) and many more, without worrying that any of these posts don't go with what my blog is about, because my blog isn't about anything in particular!

In addition to this, if I labelled myself as a beauty blogger, I feel like people would think that I'm really good at it, and take tips and advice from me. I'd never call myself a beauty blogger because I'm not particularly good at beauty! I can do my own make-up, but that doesn't mean that I have any useful tips or advice to give to you guys, the readers.

I can understand why beauty blogs are so popular, but at the same time, I think that people fall in love with a blog due to the person writing it and how much they like them rather than what kind of posts they do.

Thank you for reading.

Comment below your thoughts on blogging categories.

Keep Smiling - Lou xx


  1. I completely agree that it's great to have a variety of posts on your blog so that people don't just associate you with one thing. Keep doing what your doing, if you want to post a beauty post go for it but don't feel the need to stick to one category, you're doing a great job at the moment xxx

  2. I personally prefer having the broad category title of "Lifestyle blogger". I feel like this title covers a wide variety of things. I write about food, uni, beauty, fashion, diy etc. :) I can get bored of some beauty blogs really easily and I feel like you can write so much more if you don't label yourself.


  3. I don't think putting blogs into catagories is a good idea, just overall. I think it would be best to continue as you are, and then blog about beauty whenever you want to.
    Elise |

  4. Lovely post, dear!

  5. With you on this, I cant imagine what my blog would fit into, and it is the worst when you have to fit it into one! I feel like sometimes the less popular you are tge more freedom, because it is a lot less pressure! Loved this post! Xx

    1. Yeah, I completely agree with you! Thank you xx


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