Shelter | Film Review

Hey Guys x

I normally review films that I see in the cinema, because I know that a lot of you guys will want to know whether you should see them or not.

This is different.

I watched this film on a whim last night. I didn't know that much about it, but I love Anthony Mackie, the actor in it, so I thought I'd give it a try. The best decision I've ever made! I don't remember the last time I've been so moved or felt so passionate about a film.

This film is about two people who live on the street. They find each other and start to look out for each other. But when they discover more about each other, they realise that they need each other, more than they've ever needed anyone before. And when it seems like the entire world is out to get them, they have to work out what it is that they need to get back into the world.

Nothing I can say can describe how incredibly amazing this film is!

Normally when I watch a new film, I look on the Wikipedia for it first so that I know what I'm in for. With this film however, once I got 10 minutes in, I didn't want to know what was going to happen at all. I wanted my reaction to it to be authentic.

Homelessness is an issue that isn't spoken about as much as it could be. Anthony Mackie said that, when preparing for this role, he was saddened by his ignorance to the situation, particularly to the different reasons that people become homeless, and I found that really interesting because I feel like the majority of people who haven't experienced homelessness personally or thought about it in any way will also be a bit ignorant, depending on who they are. I definitely have been before watching this film.

These two characters are incredible. They're both homeless for a variety of reasons, but neither of them are perfect, they are deeply flawed characters, which I love. And the acting is incredible! I cried so much, and I still feel emotional thinking about it!

Anyway, you need to find a way to watch this film, any way you can. I think every single person  needs to see this film. Not only does it make you think about the issue of homelessness, but it makes you look at your own life. If you're reading this, I can assume that you're not homeless, because you have access to the internet. So this film also puts a lot of things into perspective, or at least, it really did for me.

So yeah, I can't say this enough, but watch this film. Paul Bettany wrote and directed it and he did an amazing job, this film is one that cannot and should not be missed!

Thank you for reading.

Comment below the last film you watched!


  1. Hi Bria! I stumbled on your blog through Google Plus. Great review. I will definitely check it out. Thanks for reviewing it.

  2. Really great review. Take care always.

  3. How did you end up watching this?

    1. Paul Bettany and Anthony Mackie both play characters in 'The Avengers' franchise, which I am obsessed with at the moment! When I heard that they were doing a film together I made a mental note of it. Last night I was bored so I searched for it on an app that I have, and decided that, if it was available, I would watch it. It was and I did, and I'm so glad! xx


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