Starting A Blog | ItsElla Guest Post!

Hi guys ItsElla..
And today I'm doing a guest post for Lou's world. My blog is over at where Lou is talking about how to get more blog views. Anyway today I'm going to be telling you how to start a blog, I mean I bet your all thinking either I have no interest in blog starting OR you already have a blog so therefore think this is a bad topic, but stop right there. This is a post saying why you should start a blog, how it helps in life and if your really cut out for the blogosphere. But before we begin I'd just like to tell you that I'm in no way an expert and the only way to really find out any of these things is to try it out yourself, so let's go...
Why you should start a blog.
Well a blog is a great thing to have, it's as if you have got your own space on the Internet, which can be very exciting; also on your blog you can let your imagination run wild, it's your own little creative outlet, so if your bored or have so many emotions you just need to write them down on a piece of paper or your blog for instance, you can! And you'd get support and make so many amazing friends along the way.

Why maybe you shouldn't start a blog.

Like YouTube it's a lot of work, I can tell you that right now. And after I started my blog I told my friends as someone might and so all of their blogs surfaced on the Internet, but you can only start a blog if you have the time and energy to maintain one, because after one or two posts it was safe to say that they'd given up in the whole idea completely. Also if your going to start a blog don't start it if you want to immediately become rich and famous, because as people like Zoella etc would tell you, it doesn't happen overnight which to some may be disheartening (it took me a week to get 60 pageviews at first).  So if any of these things immediately make you want to not start a blog, maybe you shouldn't.
How does a blog help in life?

Well like I said before a blog is your own space, so this helps if you have different problems racing around in your head, which I am all too familiar with, and so you need to just get them all out.

Some tips for your first post.

Introduce yourself, if the audience are going to read your content they are going to want to know who the writer is, I mean I know the whole anonymous thing worked for Penny Porter (Girl Online) but in real life I don't think people would want to follow their blog if they have no idea who you are.

Address your business as in tell them what you plan to do on this blog of yours, I mean it took me two whole days to come up with my first blog post and although when I look back on it I want the earth to swallow me up as its that cringeworthy at least it's clear and concise.

Some blog post ideas.

I am virtually always really unsure of what to blog about, I can't always do makeup tutorials or anything as I don't have the time with my life just being that busy and me being that popular, haha I'm joking in actual fact it's just me and my laptop scrolling through tumblr and refreshing my bloglovin stats for days on end, but nevertheless I can just never find the time to do anything like that so as a cheeky bonus here are some blog post ideas...
1. An hour by hour picture post

2. An Instagram roundup 

3. What is your most treasured possession and why

4. Your favourite songs at the moment 

5. Your favourite films at the moment

6. DIY

7. Reviews

8. Product empties or product let down

9. Favourite book

10. Write an colour themed post.
So there you go, that's the end of my post on Lou's World, I really hope you enjoyed it and that I gave you some lifesaving advice. Follow me on bloglovin' and look at my blog xoxo


  1. Great post! I've been away from my blog for a while and I'm trying to get back into it so I appreciate the post ideas and I completely agree with all your advice x

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great post! I feel like if you are going to stick to blogging, editorial calendar is always the best. That way it's kind of there to see that you should write a post, but also way of knowing whether you still stick to it. I use an editorial calendar not as a to do list but as a yes, i'm so excited to write about that! and a way to not write about music all the time or tips.


  4. Love this post, really helpful as a new blogger (especially the post ideas as I'm trying to think of some simpler things to post to fill my page a bit before I send the address to family and friends). Love both of your blogs!

    Last post when up yesterday, got 2 more scheduled for Friday and Sunday already. Let me know what you think!

    K x

    1. Thank you so much, I'll definitely check out your blog xx

  5. I notice newbie blogger trend to buy exact match domain and buy cheap hosting and fails at making money out of blogging. That is why I always recommend to choose well known web hosting company. Because hosting play vital role in blogging speed that will boost SEO performance. So select hosting wisely. All the best.


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