My 10 Favourite Actors!

Hey Guys x

Films are something that I'm really passionate about, and I'm really lucky to have seen so many completely amazing films over the past year, and have been introduced to so many amazing actors!

So I thought I'd show you some of the actors that I love right now, along with the trailer of my favourite film of theirs!

I hope you enjoy seeing my favourite actors!

10. Alan Rickman

If any of you don't know, Alan Rickman played Professor Snape in the Harry Potter series and he died 10 days ago, on the 14th January. I, like so many people, was really shocked and incredibly upset by his death, not least because he was such an amazing actor and inspired me. His portrayal as Snape was incredible and there was no one else who could have played that roll as well as he did. RIP Alan Rickman.

Favourite Film: Love Actually, All Harry Potter Films

9. Chris Pratt

I have loved Chris Pratt ever since I saw Jurassic World, and I still love him! I think he's a great actor and I'm a big fan of his movies, particularly Guardians of the Galaxy as it's in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I'm also excited to see what's next for him because I know that he's got some great stuff coming up!

Favourite Film: Jurassic World

8. John Boyega

He's just been in the new Star Wars movie, and I am so proud! He's from South London and he's really representing where he (we) come from. I first saw him in a film called 'Attack The Block', which probably wasn't as popular as it should have been, mainly because the humour is really London-based, but it's completely hilarious and he's amazing in it! I can't wait to see what else he has coming up!

Favourite Film: Attack The Block

7. Channing Tatum

I've loved Channing Tatum for ages, and I'll probably continue to love him for years to come. He's been in so many films that I love, including romance and action films. He can play so many different roles and is really versatile and talented!

Favourite Film: 21 Jump Street

6. Liam and Chris Hemsworth

I'm counting them as one because I love them both but there isn't enough space to talk about them individually! Liam has been in the Hunger Games and is mainly known for that, while Chris has been in Thor, which is where I first saw and fell in love with him. They're both really talented actors (it obviously runs in the family!) and I am a fan of both of them... maybe Chris a bit more than Liam!

Favourite Film: The Last Song (Liam)
                        The Cabin in the Woods (Chris)

5. Jeremy Renner

I am such a huge fan of Jeremy Renner! I first saw him in 'The Avengers' and, since then, I have tried to watch so many of his films, because I genuinely think he's an amazing actor. He predominantly does action movies, such as the mission impossible, avengers and Bourne films, and he's so talented!

Favourite Film: Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters

4. Hugh Grant

I still maintain that Hugh Grant is one of the best, if not the best, romance actors in my generation! I love romance movies so much and his are some of the best that I've seen. I haven't seen him in anything recently, but, like the others in this list, he's really talented and I would love for him to do more romance movies in the future!

Favourite Film: Bridget Jones' Diary

3. Anthony Mackie

Anthony Mackie is my current actor obsession, mainly because of the film 'Shelter', which I can't stop thinking about! I've already spoken about it in at least 2 posts so I won't explain what it's about again, but I'm definitely going to watch it again tonight because I've been craving it all weekend! But he has done such a variety of different films, I was really surprised to see his filmography and see how many different roles he can fit into.He is definitely a firm favourite of mine!

Favourite Film: Shelter

2. Chris Evans

I think Chris Evans is the actor whose films I see the most. I think I've seen about 14 of his films and I'm definitely working on building up this collection! For me personally, I love his romance films. He's a great romantic protagonist and recently directed his own romance film, which I've seen and it is amazing! But I also love him as Captain America, his superhero films. I don't know which I prefer because he does them both so well! Also, I can't wait for his next Captain America film (Civil War) coming out this year!

Favourite Film: Before We Go, Civil War

1. Robert Downey Jr

I am a huge fan of Robert Downey Jr, he's my favourite actor, my favourite celebrity, I would go so far as to say that he's one of my favourite people in the entire world. He inspires me so much in so many different ways. I also love his wife, Susan, probably more than I love him, because she seems amazing! They have an enviable marriage and are amazing as a couple. But, even with all that, RDJ is an incredible actor, and the most versatile that I've seen. He can go from playing Iron Man to Sherlock Holmes in the blink of an eye and you really believe that he is all of these characters. He's also in Captain America: Civil War, among other things, and I can't wait to continue to follow him through his career and see what he gets up to next!

Favourite Film: The Judge

Thank you for reading!

Comment below some of your favourite Actors!

Keep Smiling - Lou xx


  1. So many marvel actors in this (LOVE IT)! I think the only actor in there that I don't love is Hugh Grant- though he still is great!
    Elise |

    1. Haha! Honestly, Marvel actors are my favourite thing in the world right now, I had to stop myself from putting more in! xx

  2. I see there's a bit of a Marvel theme going on here? But yes so sad about Alan Rickman!! Cannot get over it! x

    1. Haha, well done for spotting the theme! xx

  3. This is a great list, there's quite a few of my favourite actors on here! I really like Jeremy Renner and Alan Rickman :)

    Carolyn x
    Carolyn’s Simple Life

  4. Great post! Can't get over that Alan Rickman is gone - will be sorely missed among Potterheads and others :(

    Alice x

  5. Great list! It's really sad that Alan Rickman passed away. He was one of my favorite actors as well.

    ~Andrea Tiffany~


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