The 'I'm Trying And Here's Why' Tag!

Hey Guys x

I was tagged by Izzy K to do her 'I'm Trying And Here's Why' tag! She created it herself and I completely love the idea.

It's basically about giving yourself credit where credit's due, writing down what you're trying hard that no one else really seems to notice.

It's not about bragging or making a big deal about what you do, but about, as I said before, giving yourself the credit and acknowledgement that you deserve, which I think is an amazing idea and I'm so grateful to Izzy for tagging me!

*Sorry for the white background! I don't know how to get rid of it without writing it all over again!

Izzy's Rules
Basically all you need to do is write down a list of things that you try really hard at, and explain why they take a lot of effort to accomplish. Don't worry about sounding cocky or like you're exaggerating, just say how you feel and let it out. Explain your efforts to the world because it's about time that we praise ourselves for our hard work.

Here are the things I try hard at:

Uni: Reading

It's not hard to read one book that you really enjoy. However, it is extremely hard when you have about 3-4 books to read a week, all of which you have no interest in, all of which you'll probably not look at again for the rest of the term. I try hard to finish these books and, more importantly, to keep them in my head when it comes to essays!

Uni: Essay Writing

The majority of the first year of my degree is essay writing, and I try so hard! I mean, so far I haven't seen the effects of my efforts, but I spend time trying to make these essays the best possible, to make my first year the best that it can be. And sometimes I feel like the effort means nothing, especially when I get those essays back!

Social situations

I'm not the best in social situations, which can be really hard, but it's something that I'm trying really hard to be better at. But you can't really get credit for something that most people can do with no problem, so yeah, that.


As much as I enjoy blogging, and I do enjoy it, probably more than anything else that I do regularly right now. But blogging is hard work! It's hard to stay dedicated and inspired all the time, but it's something that I try really hard at because I love it so much! But, unlike other things, blogging kind of gives you instant praise because of the comment section, so I don't feel like my efforts are for nothing, which is another reason I love it!

Fanfic Writing

I'm currently writing a fanfiction and it is hard! Particularly when it doesn't get the views that I want it to get! However, I love doing it and I'm going to continue writing the one that I started, because the story itself is something that I love! Thinking of the ideas for each chapter is hard, as is not getting any praise on it, but I love it!

Thank you so much Izzy for tagging me!

She's already tagged all of the Beau Bloggers, so I'll just reciprocate that, I tag all of the Beau Bloggers and anyone else reading this, I'd love to see your answers!

Thank you for reading

Comment below something that you try hard at!

Keep Smiling - Lou xx


  1. I loved it, as per, it is a shame that as a byproduct of not blogging much, I haven't read many blogs recently, but loved this! xxxxxxxx

  2. I love this tag and this is a really good post! Hope everything is going well at uni x


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