Travel Goals!

Hey Guys x

I've never been a huge traveller. I've been to a few places, either on family holidays or on school trips, but there are a few places that I've never been to, that I really want to visit!

Let me know if you've been to any of these places!


Since I was really young, I've been obsessed with the romance of Paris. I mean, who doesn't want to be proposed to on the top of the Eiffel Tower? It's about the most romantic thing that I can think of. And Paris is somewhere that I've never been, so I'd really love to see the sights that everyone talks about!

New York

I have seen so many things pointing to New York recently, and now I really want to go! For me, I feel like, if I didn't live in London, I could live in New York, and that really attracts me! Plus, Carrie Bradshaw lived there. That is enough for me!


My dad goes to Dubai all the time, and I have never been that interested. Until I saw Mission Impossible 4, when they went to Dubai, and it was just so cool that now I really want to visit and see what it's like. I know there are a lot of strict rules and everything there, but the scenery is so beautiful!


Every time I look up pictures of Canada, I'm blown away by how idyllic the scenery is. I mean, look at the picture I used! It's so amazing, like something out of a fantasy world, I love it! Obviously I know that not all parts of Canada look like this, but I've heard such great things about Canada in general that I really want to go there.


Italy is another place that just looks utterly beautiful! The scenery is so nice and every single picture is just so beautiful. In addition to this, it's the home of pizza and pasta, which means that pizza and pasta should taste the best there right? I hope so anyway!

So, there are 5 of my current travel goals!

Thank you for reading

Comment below where you'd like to travel!

Keep Smiling - Lou xx


  1. The top places I want to go to are also Paris, New York, and Italy, as well as England and Australia. I remember the scene in MI 4! It was pretty cool how he was scaling the outside of the building hahaha
    great post! now I really want to travel instead of go to class

    ~Andrea Tiffany~

  2. Loved the post! Have you thought about looking up tours to go on? Some places have great deals to travel to a large amount of places. I took an EF tour of France and it wasn't too expensive. Plus you get a lot out of the tours.

    1. I haven't, but I'll definitely look into this now, thanks so much xx

  3. Great post, I've always wanted to go to New York and Italy too!

  4. Really nice lost. I would like to go to the US, California. I don't know, but I would love to. It's been an ideal place where to live. For New York or Paris, even Milan that's the one, I'd like to go to their fashion shows. Anyway, cute post and so true in site. Food, yum, but hope so it tastes nice, or I'll be totally disappointed, lolls. Take care.

  5. I have always dreamed about going to New York (and possibly living there) but I also wish to visit places in the UK, Ireland, Germany Canada, Tokyo and Italy. But honestly anywhere new that I haven't visited would be an amazing place to explore. By the way nice topic post.:D

    XO Ruth Sarai

  6. I've actually never been abroad :( but plan to live out of the country for at least a few years of my life. I'd love to visit:
    and lots of other places in Europe xx

    1. That's a great plan, I'd love to live abroad! Great choices! xx


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