E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial | 100 Movie Bucket List


Next up was a rewatch.

I'll be honest - this isn't one I was looking forward to watching again.

I used to watch this film a lot when I was a kid, but I never really had fond memories of it. So when I saw it was on the Bucket List, while I wasn't surprised, it wasn't one I was itching to see.

And after watching it, I understand why I felt that way.

I can understand why millions of people have a connection to the film, especially those who grew up with it.

It's a really sweet story and it was written and directed really well.

The actors are amazing, especially the children - Henry Thomas, Robert MacNaughton and Drew Barrymore did so well in their roles and made the film what it was.

But in saying all of that, it didn't connect with me any more now than it did when I was younger. I thought it was good, but that's kind of it.

I'm glad I got to rewatch it - there's a lot I didn't remember, and I was definitely harsh on it in my mind. It was better than I remembered and definitely deserves a place on the list. It's just not one of my favourites.


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