Wolf Man | Film Review


After Blake (Christopher Abbott) and his family are attacked by a mysterious creature in the woods, Blake begins to make a strange transformation.

I hadn't heard great things about this film when it came out, but it still had an intriguing enough premise that I was looking forward to seeing it.

Unfortunately, the reviews weren't great for a reason.

For a start, the opening scene was way too long without taking the time to make the audience care about these characters.

And even when the characters change and the film actually gets started, we never really get the chance to care about them, and we never really connect with them.

Everything felt like it was taking a really long time to happen. The film is called 'Wolf Man', so why did it take such a long time for us to actually see the wolf man? At almost an hour in (bearing in mind the film is only 1hr 43 mins), nothing had really happened.

I've seen so many general complaints online about the lighting in movies and most of the time this doesn't really bother me, but it really did for this film. I kind of get why it had to be so dark in the woods scenes (though these still could have been lit better), but why did it have to be so dark in the house? It's like the filmmakers didn't want us to be able to see anything ever. Even the poster is too dark!

Nearing the end of the film when it gets further into the events of the creature, it's more fun. It's never as scary as it wants to be.

Overall, this starts boring, has a few fun moments and then ends oddly. Unfortunately the fun moments don't make up for everything else so it's not one I'd recommend.



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