Resident Evil | 100 Movies Bucket List


Next up for the bucket list was a first-time watch.

I'd heard of this film a bit, I think I've maybe even played one of the games it comes from, but I didn't really know anything about the films, including what they were about.

This one took me a little while to get into. Although it's classed as a horror movie, particularly at the beginning it feels heavily sci-fi influenced, and when we're trying to figure out what's going on at the same time as the main character, it just didn't hold my attention.

But it does get more interesting as it goes on, even if I didn't connect with the characters as much as I wanted to.

It has some really creative and imaginative visuals that made it quite a fun watch.

This film is a reminder of how different this bucket list is to the last one - I'm not aware of whether or not this is really considered a classic, but I love that movies that don't seem to be critically acclaimed, are still given their time to shine.

There are a lot of movies on the list that I never would have expected to feature on a bucket list like this, and this seems to be one of them.

But I'm glad it did because it's a really enjoyable movie, particularly if you're a fan of the games. I probably never would have watched this otherwise so I'm glad it was on the list!


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