That Type Of Person Tag!

Hey Guys x

This is a tag that I first saw on Connor Franta's YouTube channel, so I'll put his video below:


As I've been blogging for over a year now, and have a few regular commenters, I wondered about whether or not you guys actually know me.
I've always wanted my blog to be as personal as possible, and I think that Connor's questions (if he created them) are a great way for you guys to get to know me better than a lot of you already do!
Also, please leave some of your answers in the comments so that I can get to know you guys too, this is a two way thing!
1. Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner? Easily dinner. It's usually the time when I eat the best, especially on a school day when breakfast is rushed and lunch is just a sandwich!

2. After you've eaten your bowl of cereal, do you drink the milk? I don't really eat cereal (and I'm allergic to cows milk) but even so, I'd still say no. Milk has never really appealed to me that much

3. When you drive, do you listen to CDs, Radio or Phone? CDs definitely. I mean, I enjoy the radio sometimes, but CDs are great because you know exactly what you're getting!

4. Are you a window person or an aisle person? A bit of both. I enjoy sitting by the window if I know the people who are next to me. But I have this thing about being able to get out in case of an emergency wherever I am, for example on a plane or in the cinema, so I would have to say aisle.

5. Fold or Crumple? Fold. Sometimes I fold and then crumple, but more often than not, fold.

6. Shampoo then body wash or body wash then shampoo? Body Wash then shampoo, always!

7. Are you typically stressed or relaxed? I'm always stressed! That's what exams do to you!

8. Patient or impatient? With annoying people I think I'm quite patient. When I'm waiting for something exciting however, I'm very impatient!

9. Do you like to have a schedule or are you more go-with-the-flow? I'm a schedule person, I'm not really that spontaneous!

10. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I've always wanted to be an author as a default, but I've also gone through the phases of teacher, fashion designer, actress and more!

11.Prankster or not? Definitely not! I enjoy watching pranks on YouTube but I don't really like doing them and hate when they're done to me!

12. Dressed up or dressed down? Dressed down, always. It's really nice to dress up and go out and have fun, but I enjoy comfort, so I prefer to dress down.

13. Favourite article of clothing? Right now, a dress that I'm considering wearing to my prom in June!

14. If you could play an instrument, what would you play? Piano! I had lessons when I was younger and really enjoyed it!

15. East Coast or West Coast? Um, I have no idea!

16. London or L.A.? London because it's where I live and I've never been to L.A, but I'd love to go one day!

17. Favourite holiday? Christmas! Or summer because we get loads of time off school!

18. How big is your bed? I have a single bed.

19. Do you sleep with the doors open or closed? Closed. I don't really mind either way but it's easier to go to sleep when I'm not worrying about things coming into my room!

20. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? Tucked in, but I've never really thought about it!

21. Have you ever stolen anything? Nope, I'm a good girl, haha!

22. Tattoos or piercings? I have none but I want both! Nothing too eccentric though, just a few discreet things!

23. Do you smile in every photo? I hate taking pictures, but when I do, I have to smile!

24. Have you ever peed in the woods? I don't think so! I may have done when I was younger, but after watching horror film after horror film, I'm not the biggest fan of the woods anyway!

25. Concert or theme park? Concert, definitely! I really enjoy live music!

26. Music or books? Obviously books!

27. Animated or reality? In terms of TV, both. But I probably watch more reality TV than cartoons!

28. Letter or email? Emails are much more practical, but I love getting letters!

29. What was your first concert? I can't remember now. I think it was JLS in 2010, or an x factor concert.

30. Do you own a record player? Nope. I think my grandmother has one but I never have! I don't even know how to use one!

31. Do you speak any different languages? None at all. I did Spanish until gcse and ended up with a C!

32. Sweet or savoury? Sweet, definitely!

33. Can you curl your tongue? Nope!

34. Can you touch the tip of your tongue to your nose? Again, nope!

35. Can you whistle? Um, nope!

36. Have you ever won a spelling bee? No. We don't really have those in the UK.

37. Do you believe in ghosts? Definitely. This isn't something that I really talk about. Maybe I should do a separate post on my beliefs about ghosts!

38. Do you believe in aliens?
Not really!
So, those were my answers to the questions.
Thank you for reading
Comment below your own answers to one of the questions!
Keep Smiling - Lou xx


  1. Wooow, I love it! Enjoy the week honey!

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  2. This was really fun to read :) I'd love to hear what you have to say about your belief in ghosts.


    1. Thank you! I really want to write a post on it one day! xx

  3. Great idea with this tag! :) It was so fun to read.
    I am definitely a window person because I have social anxiety and just can't have all the people around me on the aisle.
    I am really patient and my first concert was at a Backstreet Boys Concert ;) There you go, now you know me too.

    Cylia -

    1. Thanks! I love finding out more about you xx


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