Bloodline | Film Review

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Hey Guys x

It's been a little while since my last post (almost two weeks) but with this virus stuff, everything is a bit crazy at the moment!

This is a movie that came out on Netflix a little while ago. After reading the description, I immediately added it to my list and watched it as soon as I got the chance.

Evan (Seann William Scott) is a social worker and a new father, who is severely sleep-deprived. However, lack of sleep and hidden childhood traumas cause Evan to take his need for revenge to a dangerous level.

I'm really disappointed that I didn't like the film as much as I wanted to. However, that doesn't mean that I didn't like it at all.

The beginning of the film plays out like a cheesy 80s horror movie, which I loved because I love those old movies - the shitter, the better!

But from there, the film goes crazy.

It sets up it's tone by being weirdly and unnecessarily graphic. There were things that took me by surprise (in a bad way) and really told me what kind of film I was watching.

Because of the subject matter, what I loved was the use of sound, and the way that the film really focused on the sound of a baby's cry. It actually got to the point where I was contemplating muting the sound, so it really tells us how this character was feeling.

The descent into madness is a subject matter that has been told in film form for such a long time, and a lot of the time it's really successful. For me, though, the theme fell a bit flat in this film. You don't get enough of a sense of who this character is before he goes mad to really understand the departure from his usual personality.

It's also not as exciting or thought/conversation provoking as a film about murder could be.

There was a twist in the film that I really enjoyed. It was interesting and really changed what the film was about.  However, I felt like the twist came too soon, and from there the film seemed to lose its way and veer off into ridiculous territory.

And then there's the ending, which leaves a lot to be desired. You're hoping that there's something else, that they're really not ending the film like that. And then they do.

Overall, an interesting story that is worth a watch, even if you don't end up liking it by the end.



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