My Reaction To Orange Is The New Black!

Hey Guys x

Today, I'm telling you my reaction to the end of season 4 of OITNB, but I'll probably also tell you my feelings for certain characters throughout all 4 seasons.

If you haven't made it to the last two episodes of season 4 - GO AWAY! I'm going to put the spoilers between two sets of asterisks, so scroll down quickly to miss spoilers!

Seriously, you do not want this spoiled for you, and I'm about to spoil it in the worst way possible, so if you haven't seen it and you're planning to, go and watch it - then come back here.

And if you've never watched even an episode of Orange, watch the first few, you'll love it.

Anyway, I'm jumping right in!

*************************** SPOILER ALERT ***********************

So, most of this post is going to be spent talking about how Poussey's death affected me.

If you don't know, but you want to know, she was killed by a guard (CO Baxter Bailey). They were having a peaceful protest, and he restrained her by kneeling on her back. He then became distracted and she suffocated to death.

Now, I have never in my life mourned. Ever. No one that I love has ever died (only my grandfathers, one when I was 2, so I didn't really know, and the other one I loved but didn't see that often, and didn't grieve). Because of this (and yes, this is getting deep!) I don't know how to process the emotion of grief. I don't know what's normal, and I don't know how to do it.

But when Poussey died, I grieved. I've never felt that way before, but I was grieving. It was awful! I couldn't sleep, all I wanted to do was rewatch her death over and over again, but watching it caused me pain, it still hurts me, so I've stopped myself, and know that I'm probably never going to watch that episode again.

Now, I know what you're thinking, this is all about a fictional character and I'm dramatic af - which is true, she is fictional, and I'm very dramatic.

However, Poussey was a fan favourite, definitely. She was the cutest, sweetest, nicest inmate at Lichfield and she was only in there for possessing a small amount of marijuana 'with intent to sell' - her death was the most undeserved, unnecessary, unfair death - but I guess that was the point, to make a big statement. If they had killed off another character, it definitely wouldn't have had the same impact, and it wouldn't have both the inmates and the fans united over their grief.

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I've watched all 4 seasons within a few months, and it's weird how little time it took me to connect with the show. It's funny, in April when I started the show, I also started watching Scandal and Gossip Girl. To this day, I haven't finished even season 1 of Gossip Girl and I haven't started EPISODE 2 of Scandal - which tells you how much I love the show!

And what I've found is that, I felt really differently about certain characters at time went on. Piper for example, the main character. When the show started I liked her, I felt sorry for her. She was a 'normal' girl who was in prison for a crime that she committed 10 years previous and I felt really bad for her. However, as the seasons go on, I like her less and less. In fact, there were points during season 3 and 4 when I actually could not stand the bitch!

Others of my favourites include Poussey, Taystee, Daya, Nicky, Morello, Gloria and Red to name a few - but all the characters change as the seasons go on, some more significantly than others.

Overall, I am so so so glad that I started to watch this show - it's definitely changed the way that I view prison, inmates and the whole institution, which is what I assume it wanted to do.

I haven't felt this passionate about a television show in a long time!

Please watch this if you don't, you definitely will not regret it, I promise!

Thank you for reading!

Do you watch OITNB? Do you want to? Do you need convincing? Let me know in the comments!

Keep Smiling - Lou xx


  1. I absolutely love Orange is the New Black and it's nice to hear your views on it to. I get very emotional in basically every TV show I watch but the end of season 4 was easily one of the most emotional things to watch. Reading this is making me want to watch it all again, I think I'll have to do that now

    1. After I watched it, I started watching season 1 again! Thank you xx

  2. I love OITNB, I watched the whole of season 4 within a couple of weeks (oops). I get very attached to characters in shows/films/books etc and the end of season 4 was very emotional- just like you said. The entirety of the end of the season was so crazy with action! I understand completely what you mean about Piper- she has become such a bitch! I can't wait for season 5!
    Elise xxx

  3. Yes, Piper's the worst! I can't wait for season 5 either! xx


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