Blogmas Day 20: How To React To Bad Presents!

Of course, all presents have sentimental value, and it's the thought that counts.

Nevertheless, we have all had those times when we have to pretend to be really excited about a present that we absolutely hate.

So I came up with a few different ways to react when we receive one of these horrible presents.

I hope you enjoy my responses!

The 'Oh Wow' response

This is the one where you pretend that what you have just opened is the best present you've ever received and that you will never a present this amazing for the net 325 years. Cue wide eyes and a mouth that cannot shut. I think this is the reaction that is most appreciated by whoever gave you the present, but it's also the least realistic reaction and your relatives may not even believe it in the first place.

The 'Thank You' response

This is the response that's the easiest to do. You literally just keep repeating 'thank you' over and over again. It tells your relative that you appreciate the present without you having to lie and say that you love it. I think that, if I get a bad present this year, this is the option that I will choose, purely because I will be thankful for the present, even if it makes no sense and has no impact on my life whatsoever!

The 'Just What I Wanted' response

This response requires effort. You need to act as if the present has made a huge impact on your life, and you need to show this. You can't just say 'this is what I wanted' and push the present to the side, you need to show your relative that it is what you wanted. Even if you have to spend 5 minutes working out how the thing works in the first place!

The Descriptive response

This is another response that I like. Rather than lie about how much you love the present, talk about it's characteristics. For example: 'I love the colour pink!' or 'The design is so pretty!'. You can talk about the physical attributes of the present without making them think that you love it.

The Tactful Truth response

A lot of people generally don't use this option, but nevertheless, it is an option to take. If you really don't like the present, you can nicely tell your relative that it isn't really to your taste. You don't have to be rude or make them feel bad, but it may be better than risking getting the same present again net year!

I hope some of these help you out in the future!

It's 5 days (5 DAYS!!) Until Christmas!

Come back tomorrow for Blogmas Day 21!


  1. I loved this so much, haha. I've never seen anything like it and I like that it's so original. I'll definitely use these if i'm in need! xx

  2. Lovely post haha, I always just smile and say thanks but whether it's convincing is something else! Abi :)

  3. This is incredibly helpful!


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