The Girl On The Train | Film Review

Image result for the girl on the train film poster

Hey Guys x

So, on Friday I went to see 'The Girl On The Train', so I thought I'd make today's post another film review.

I read this book earlier this year (you can read my review here), so my opinion of the film was based on the fact that I had already read it and knew the ending - I think it would be different if I hadn't previously read it.

Just like the book, the film is about three women. Rachel the alcoholic, Anna the new wife and Megan, the mystery. Rachel spends her days riding the train to New York and people watching. From her usual train, she can see straight into the home of a couple, and she imagines that their lives are perfect. But then, she sees something, something that she shouldn't have seen. And as everything spirals out of control, suddenly these three women are connected in ways that they never could have guessed.

So I have to say right away, I didn't really like the film, for quite a few reasons.

First of all, the most petty reason, the original book was set in the UK. They hired Emily Blunt, a British actress, to play the main character, then they changed the setting and made it take place in the US. I don't know if this takes anything away from the film itself, but it was nice to have a really popular book that was set in a normal town in England.

When I described the book in my review, I said that reading it was a bit like being on a train. it started off slowly, build momentum and when I got to the last 100 or so pages, I couldn't put it down. In comparison, the film was weird. It was slow and fast at the same time, everything happened too quickly but it kept to the same slow pace, probably because they cut out a few things from the book, which makes sense. But for me, I didn't feel that tension, that excitement, I didn't desperately want to know what happened and I wasn't excited to get to the supposed climax. I guess this could be because I already knew that the ending was, but for me, it felt like a bit of an anti-climax.

When I was reading the book, it seemed like the most important thing was finding out what happened, and that was what made it exciting, trying to guess what happened and who was responsible. But in the film, I felt like there was a lot more importance on the three women then there was on the mystery surrounding the story, which took something away from the end reveal for me. Also, the reveal wasn't as far in as I would have liked, I guessed what would happen way too quickly!

Having said all this, I have to say that the actors and actresses were all amazing!

Emily Blunt is definitely one of my favourite, if not my absolute favourite actress, I think she's incredible, and this film was so different to any other role that I've seen her in - she did it perfectly and I can't to see her in more films in the future.

I also have to give a shoutout to Luke Evans and Justin Theroux who were also incredible in the film and really helped to make the story believable, and enjoyable to watch.

Also, I have to point out that I've only seen the film once, and sometimes if I see something more than once, I'll like it more, so I'll definitely be watching it again!

Overall, whether you've read the book or not, I'd say that you should see it, just so that you can form your own opinion of it. Also, I'd be really interested to know how you found the film if you didn't read the book, as I feel like I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't.

Thank you for reading!

Comment below what you thought of this film!

Keep Smiling - Lou xx


  1. I haven't read the book yet, so I guess I have the choice of either watching the film or book first. I might read the book first just because knowing what is going to happen completely ruins a book.
    Aleeha xXx

    1. Yeah, I'd say you get the biggest surprise if you read the book xx


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