The Fear of Missing Out

Hey Guys x

I have this fear so bad!

I have such a fear of missing out - and it could be anything, an outing, a party, a pub crawl, clubbing, I hate to be the person that has to be told what happened because, for some reason or another, I couldn't go.

But, coupled with finding social situations hard, this is nearly impossible!

I dread having to go to a social situation, but if I don't go, I fear that I'm missing out.

And this can definitely extend onto other things, like, I fear of missing out on that first love experience, the first time buying a house, the first time buying a car.

These are all things that most people do, but for some reason, I'm really scared that I won't do them. I have this irrational fear that I'll never get a job, never move out of home or drive, never write a book, never fall in love, and it's so scary!

I know that it's unlikely that I'll miss out on all these things, and for most of them, I could be out right now and making them happen rather than sitting at home and writing about them - believe me, I know that better than anyone!

I was looking around on the internet, and apparently, this fear is super common! There's pages and pages dedicated to people who also have this fear of missing out, so I thought I'd write a post about it and see if any of you guys have it too.

I guess it is normal to have this if it's a big event, like fear of missing a wedding or something that's important to someone.

But for me, it's a lot more trivial. Like, I have a fear of missing the gossip (or being the subject of the gossip) on an outing or night out, or something really funny happening that I won't know anything about.

To be honest though, my fear of social events usually outweighs the fear of missing out, which means that I probably miss out a lot more than I think I do!

There's a lot online about getting over this fear, but I don't really know if I want to.

If I never had the fear of missing out, I might never make myself go anywhere or do anything!

So I guess, in some cases, this can definitely be a good thing!

Thank you for reading.

Do you have the fear of missing out? Comment below!

Keep Smiling - Lou xx


  1. I also have a fear of missing out! You are not alone. Sorry about not being able to read your blog posts as often, I have been busy with school, homework and life. I will try to keep up!! Especially when I am going somewhere else when I am invited out somewhere, I get annoyed and worry about missing out important things. Like when I have a day off of school I worry about missing a life changing test. A really good post Lou!! I would recommend trying to keep yourself occupied while you feel this way. Do something you really love and it will stop you from feeling out of place and odd. I hope you are having a wonderful day.
    If you would like to see what I got to on my holiday, have a look at my most recent post!!
    Speak to you soon,
    Lauren xxx

    1. Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely try it xx

  2. I think the main thing for with the fear of missing out is just knowing that all my friends are having fun without me and then I get worried that I'm not a true friend and that maybe they aren't that bothered if I don't go.
    Aleeha xXx


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