Hey Guys x

So, on 12th December this year (also my birthday coincidentally), I hit 40,000 views.

And I can't believe it, I really can't.

40,000 is such a high number and it means so much to me to be able to say that I've hit that number, and acquired over 2,000 more views since then, so in just over two weeks!

So I thought I'd talk about what's changed between 20-30,000 views and now.

When I hit 20,000, I talked about my stats, which you can see here, and looking at the differences now is unbelievable!

As well as having 40,000+ views, I now have 161 Bloglovin followers (you can follow me by clicking here), and over 1,900 comments! That's incredible!

I have also joined instagram, which I never thought I would do (you can follow me by clicking here), and I already have 18 followers, which is awesome! Thank you so much if you already follow me!

And none of this would be possible without you reading, commenting and following, so thank you so much for doing one or all of these things! It means so much to me and allows me to run my blog in the best way possible.

There's so much that I want to do with my blog next year, including beauty, fashion and photography, all of which I've only just dabbled in. However, your comments really give me the courage to be completely myself and I can't wait to share more of myself with you guys.

I also know that I've acquired a few more readers since beginning Blogmas, and I want to encourage you to stick with me in 2016, because I feel so passionate about blogging right now! Also, I hope you've got a good impression of me from my Blogmas posts!

Anyway, I just wanted to thank all of you so much for making this blogging year amazing.
I'm going to post a New Years resolution post tomorrow and talk about blogging in 2015, so I won't go into big thank you's now.

Thank you for reading

Comment below your latest blogging milestone!

Keep Smiling - Lou xx


  1. Omg congrats! So proud of you :) Looking forward to your blog in 2016.

    Alice ❤️

  2. Wow congratulations! That's amazing!
    Elise | i-cant-think-help.blogspot.com

  3. Congratulations, Lou! All of your posts make me smile; I love reading your blog. I can't wait to see what happens in 2016 <3 x

  4. Well done Lou! You deserve it!
    <3 Catherine

  5. congratulations Lou! Your instagram is great :)
    massive achievement well done!
    ~basicallychloe xx
    Don't forget to smile! :) ~ x
    www.basicallychloeblog.blogspot.com ♡

  6. Yay yay congratulations, you are one of my favourite bloggers ever and You were the first person I ever did a Collab with!!! Can't to see what you do next with blogging xx❤️


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