7 Months and Beau Bloggers!

I have been blogging for 7 months today! That is just crazy! It's almost 2015!

I find it amazing that in my 7th month of blogging, I have also hit 7,000 reads on my blog, which seems crazy, To imagine that, overall, people click on my blog link 1,000 times a month just doesn't even comprehend in my brain!

This month, in terms of college work, has been really busy, so writing this blog is not only a hobby, but kind of a haven. To have some time to just sit and spill all my thoughts out through my keyboard is just something that I love to do, and I can't imagine ever not loving it!

One of the main  things that I've been doing for my blog this month has been preparing for Blogmas! I have most (if not all) of the posts figured out, and some are planned. Also, it's really exciting because my birthday falls within Blogmas, and it's my 18th, so I may need to think of a special post to celebrate.

If you've been reading my posts for 7 months, or if you've just randomly clicked on this post today, thank you. It means a lot to me, and I hope I can carry on entertaining you for another 7 months and more!

I mentioned this briefly in my Blogmas post, but one thing I have done this month is join Beau Bloggers. And as it is Beau Bloggers appreciation week, I thought I would let you know a bit about us.

We are a community of bloggers, created by Lauren and Izzy (click on their names to go to their blogs, which are awesome!).

One day, Izzy commented on one of my posts that I should consider joining Beau Bloggers, with a post for more information, which is here.

After reading the information, I immediately joined the community, and I do not regret it in the slightest!

There are now 11 of us and we really want there to be more. In Izzy's post, you can see the proper information about what we do and why you should join, but personally, my favourite thing about it is that you just feel accepted. You're part of a community which doesn't depend on your amount of followers of views or comments, you're free to self promote as you wish with a promise that at least one person from the community (if not all) will read your post, and I love the fact that all the people in the community with me are just really nice and really good bloggers.

If you want to join the community, the link is here: https://plus.google.com/communities/115555914605034622326

Thank you for reading, getting me to 7,000 views, 7 months blogging and reading about Beau Bloggers!

Comment below your favourite thing about blogging!


  1. Such a good post and that is true to type out your thoughts, spill. Plus,y favourite thing when I started blogging true things I wrote, was to share with people. Even if it's anyone who wants to read/willing to people who could relate to it, it's just that one step to let them know that they're not alone in their thoughts, events, even feelings, etc. Sharing could help in many ways. Take Care.

  2. My favourite thing about blogging is seeing the reactions like - OMG No! You blog? Let me see. Lol it's not something that people really have time to do so I really love blogging too!

  3. Congratulations for seven months and 7k, you deserve it! xxx

  4. wooooo well done for 7 months! love your blog xxx

  5. I'm really glad that you joined. Congratulations on blogging for 7 months and I hope you'll carry on enjoying it for years to come! Cant wait to read your blogmas posts xxx


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