I'm Not Excited For Christmas! | Blogmas Day 22

Hey Guys x

I have to be honest, I had nothing planned for today. I had one idea that wasn't quite right so I scrapped it and decided to go off the cuff and write whatever was on my mind.

I'm writing this on the 19th December, and I'm not yet excited for Christmas in the slightest.
(*Update: It's now the 22nd and I'm still not excited)

My shopping is done, there are presents under the tree, the menu has been decided, and I could not care less.

For me, Christmas day has never been a source of excitement, other than the fact that I get to open presents. I never enjoy celebrating it, and this year I'd love to just pretend it isn't Christmas. I want to go to the cinema and watch 'Passengers' (starring Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence) but unfortunately, I have no choice but to celebrate it.

It's not that I have something against Christmas, I just don't enjoy celebrating it.

I love the festive period. all these days leading up to it when it's cold and everyone's in a giving mood and it feels like there's a little bit of magic in the air.

But the actual day to me just seems a bit pointless.

I don't know what's wrong with me. I just think of it as any other day in the year, it's like it has stopped being special to me, it doesn't mean anything anymore.

So because of that, I'm not excited for Christmas. To be honest, I don't even really feel like I'm in the Christmas spirit. I feel a bit blah.

One reason for this might be because of the way I've chosen to do Blogmas. To post about films as well as Christmas.

Because it's not Christmas every day on my blog, I don't feel Christmassy - if anything, I just want to watch a whole load of films!

Anyway, this was just a quick post.

Thank you for reading.

It's 3 days until Christmas!

Come back tomorrow for Blogmas day 23


  1. For me personally, I think Christmas is fun yeah, but it doesn't get me super excited. I much prefer the build up.
    Aleeha xXx


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