An Interview With Abi!

Hey Guys x

I interviewed Chloe last month, and a lot of your guys seemed to like the idea.

I said in that post that I was going to make my interviews semi-regular.

However, after emailing around, I found that a lot of you guys like the idea and want to be interviewed by me, which is amazing!

Thank you so much if we've already spoken about this (you know who you are), your interviews will be coming soon, but I'm not sure how often I'm going to be doing interviews because I don't want to run out of interviewees!

And if I haven't contacted you, if you've commented on my blog semi-recently or if we speak anyway (on twitter or something) look out for an email coming your way within the next month or so!

You can also leave your email address below so I can get in touch with you!

Anyway, my next interviewee is Abi! Click on her name to go straight to her blog!

When I decided that I wanted to do more interviews, Abi was one of the first people to come to mind!

I have admired her blog for so long and I was so pleased that she agreed to be interviewed, so thank you so much Abi!

The Interview

Beauty, food, fashion or travel, which would you rather blog about?
Hmm hard one between travel and food! Probably travel though because I can include lots of photos which I love sharing

What has been your favourite post you’ve written?
Never thought about that haha! Probably Tanya Burr’s Cookie Recipe as they were so yummy and I loved making them and taking photos for the post!

When did you start blogging?
Last June

Do you wish you started earlier or later?
I do wish I started earlier!

What’s your favourite thing about your blog?
 I like how it’s not a blog about something specific like beauty because it allows me to write about anything I want to

Which of your posts would you love 1 million people to see?
Hmm probably my one about Zoella, some of my recipes and my Europe photo posts

Which blogger inspires you the most and why?
I don’t really have one specific blogger that inspires me, I read a lot of blogs and get information from everything I read really

Would you rather keep your blog layout the same forever or change something every day?
 Probably change something every day! I get bored easily!

What do you think about having a blogging schedule?
 I have a schedule where I write posts in advance and schedule them for Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays but it’s a bit all over the place at the minute as my life is getting very busy!

How do you feel about sponsored posts? If you haven’t done one, would you do one in the future?
 I think they’re good in the sense that bloggers and blogging is being recognised but I think it’s bad where every post written is sponsored as I think the passion for blogging would have gone. I would love to in the future yes!

What’s the worst thing about blogging?
Keeping up with being consistent!

What’s the best time in a day to write a blog post?
I usually write mine in the evening because that’s the only time I really have any spare time to do so!

Where do you see your blog in the future?
 I’m not too sure really, I would like to keep it up even if it’s one post a month!
I hope you enjoyed this interview and I hope you're enjoying the series so far! Check out my last interview with Chloe here!
Thank you for reading
A big thank you to Abi for being my second interviewee!
Comment below what I should ask my next interviewee!
Keep Smiling - Lou xx


  1. Oooh I love this idea! What a perfect way to showcase bloggers :) keep up the good work
    Esmee x

  2. Really loved this! I love Abi's blog so it's lovely to find out a bit more about her and her blog :)

    Carolyn x
    Carolyn’s Simple Life

  3. I think this is a really idea :) mmm maybe you can ask them where they imagine themselves living in the future? or where their dream place to live is at?


  4. I'm am loving this series so far and Abi seems like such a wonderful person xxx

  5. It's so good to read. You're questions are so thoughtful. Brain working. Take care for future interviews. Well done indeed.


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