Awkward Exam Situations!

Hey Guys x

For most of us, it's getting to the time now where we're revising for our exams!

It's such a stressful time, we have so much to cram into out heads and not a lot of time to do it in. And then, that's it. When we write the last word, exams are finished and our futures are determined... for some of us anyway!

So rather than do a serious post about exams (because we don't need that right now!) I thought I'd write about the most awkward situations in exams!

These have all either happened to me, I've seen them, or I just imagine how horrible they'd be!

They also apply to exam situations in the UK. I don't know how similar or different exam situations are in different countries but I hope that you can still relate if you're not from the UK.

Sitting In The Wrong Seat
Usually in my college, when we take exams, there is a seating plan on the outside of the exam hall and we are not allowed to speak once we get inside. So one of the most awkward situations is either when you sit in someone else's seat or when someone else sits in your seat. When you sit in someone else's seat, once they tell you, you have to admit to your mistake and leave your seat with the whole hall watching you, not able to say a word. And when someone else sits in your seat, you kind of have to silently point to the desk and literally play charades until they realise their mistake. Awkward on both ends!

Being Watched
Obviously, because these exams are really important, there needs to be a few teachers in the hall, just to make sure that everyone's needs can be met and that no one is cheating. However, whenever you look up, for whatever reason, catching eyes with a teacher is the most awkward thing. Thoughts of: 'Why are they looking at me', 'Do they think I'm cheating?', 'Will I be disqualified' run through your mind and you break the connection as quickly as possible!

Getting Restless
Sometimes, our exams take a really long time. For example, last year for my AS levels, I had to sit a 3 hour exam, meaning that I had to sit in the same chair for 3.5 hours at least! Anyway, about 3/4 of the way through the test, everyone starts to get a bit restless and 'squirmy'. However, everyone is also scared to make a move in case they get a 'look of death' thrown at them from one of the teachers around the room. Not only is this extremely awkward, but extremely uncomfortable!

Finishing Early
This probably isn't a problem for everyone, but it definitely is for me. One of my strengths in exams is that I have really good timing. Whether I do really well in an exam or really badly, I always finish my paper before everyone else. This could be as little time as 5 minutes and as much as 20 or more. This is awkward because, what do you do? Do you close your paper and risk looking around and catching eyes with a teacher?, or keep your paper open and read over your answers for the hundredth time? Or do you leave your paper open, but still risk looking around, really making it look like you want to take someone else's answers? Either way, it's always awkward!

A Wobbly Table
I have had this before and it is the most annoying thing! When your table is slightly wonky, but you don't want to waste writing time by getting a teacher to solve the problem, so you just accept the fact that, every time you rest your arm on your desk, it's going to thump onto the ground and alert anyone within a close vicinity to know that your table is not fulfilling it's only purpose in your life at that moment!

The Fear Of Lost Ink
I do all essay subjects, so I have to do a lot of writing. This one of the fear of an awkward situation. The fear of losing ink in all of your pens and having to put your hand up and tell the invigilator that you were not, in fact, equipped for your exam like you said you were when he asked everyone before the exam started.

Sitting At The Front
I have only had to deal with this once or twice, but it is never not awkward! When you look at the seating plan and discover that you have to sit at the front of the hall. With everyone else behind you, able to see your every move, and all of the teachers in front of you, also watching every move! I hate this situation because there's literally nothing that you can do about it, you just have to get on with it!

Anyway, these are a few of the situations that I find awkward during exam season.

Thank for you reading (and good luck with any exams that you're taking!)

Comment below your own awkward exam situation!

Keep Smiling - Lou xx


  1. I hate sitting at the front too, its so awkward with everyone staring at you. I wish I had the problem of finishing early but I always take way too long writing in exams. This post was so relatable haha xxx

    1. It's so annoying, I hate when it happens! xx

  2. I can agree that these are all extremely horrible >.< Exams are just awkward in general! I especially hate being sick on exam days because you get the sniffles or (this might be TMI) your nose starts running and you don't have a tissue but you don't want to ask the professor for a tissue because then everyone will know that you have a runny nose

    1. Exacty, I know completely what you mean with the sniffes, that always happens to me! xx

  3. This is so awesome, some parts made me want to laugh. I remember we all got to talk, until we had our papers. The most fun but awkward is the teacher, but if it was one that taught you, they would do the big eyes and be like happy for us, especially when another person finished. All we had to do was check, or just close our paper and sit there. So, fun times vs thinking it would be stressful time. I didn't like mostly the coldness in the hall. Let's say once I had to wipe it my hand. Never again! Take care many fold.

  4. This is so awesome, some parts made me want to laugh. I remember we all got to talk, until we had our papers. The most fun but awkward is the teacher, but if it was one that taught you, they would do the big eyes and be like happy for us, especially when another person finished. All we had to do was check, or just close our paper and sit there. So, fun times vs thinking it would be stressful time. I didn't like mostly the coldness in the hall. Let's say once I had to wipe it my hand. Never again! Take care many fold.


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