A World Of Writers!

Hey Guys x

Before I begin this post, I just want to say that I'm sorry that I rarely post on Wednesday's now. It's just that exams are really near, so because of revision and timing, I'd never get posts up on time on a Wednesday. So I'm going to have to stop posting on Wednesdays, which is annoying. However, you'll still get the usual posts on Monday's, Friday's and once at the weekend.

When I finish my exams in June, I think I'm going to change my blogging schedule, because I'll have a lot more time!

Anyway, on with the post!

As most of you know, I love to read and write, I always have done and I probably always will, whether or not I end up being a famous author one day (which is something that I really want!)

However, what some of you might not know is that I'm going to study creative writing at university in September (with English) and I'm really excited, provided that I get the grades!

Anyway, when I said this to one of my teachers, they told me that I was the first person (or certainly one of) in the school's history to do a creative writing degree and to be so passionate about writing.

When I had an interview for a university, they told me the same thing. That everyone who studies creative writing there says that they're the only person in their school that is passionate about writing.

This led me to think about blogging.

I have been blogging for a year, but I had a thought the other day that had never occurred to me before: Blogging is a world of writers!

Everyone that blogs gets some sort of pleasure from writing, and while blogging in the past year, a lot of people have spoken to me about writing, which is something that we have all had in common.

This made me really understand what being a blogger was about.

So many of us want to be writers, but we might not all have the chance to be able to show our work to a publisher or to have our short stories and poems judged by people whose opinion really matters - people who are experts in the field that we are trying to break into.

Blogging is like a half-way point.

I mean, how easy is it to publish a post?

I could literally write the word 'hello', press publish, and a blog post has been created. When I think about it like that, I think it's completely mental!

We all have the power to publish our darkest, innermost thoughts with the click of a button. And then, other people have the power to tell us how they felt about it and what could be improved. For free!

As bloggers, we have the right to talk about whatever we want, and any single person in the world (if your comments and posts are not privatised) has the option to read and comment on the thing that we have written.

This also illustrates something else to me. I've seen comments (not on my blog, but for example, on twitter about much bigger bloggers) asking why blogging takes up so much time. Because I mean, it's only writing down a few sentences and putting in some pretty pictures that come directly from google images right?


Personally, blogging takes up a lot of time for the pure fact that blogging is an extension of me.

I put almost everything I have into my blog's design, layout and posts, because I own my blog and I want that to be reflected in what I create.

And I know that this is the case with many, if not all, of you guys too!

Blogging is the only way that us writers can guarantee that our writing will be seen.

We probably all have those word documents where we've started a story, got bored of it (or been told it's not good enough!) and left it to take up space in our computer memory, probably never to be looked upon again. And then, when we do eventually find it again, we have thoughts along the lines of: how did I ever think that this was good? (because this happens to me all the time!)

But with blogging, our readers can literally navigate their way to our first posts, to see all the mistakes we've made and how we've grown from them.

I mean, even last week someone told me that they've witnessed growth in my blog after they'd only been reading it for a month! That's incredible, and there's no other way that our progress could be seen!

So anyway, back to me original point.

Blogging is a world of writers.

Everyone's trying to make it, and a lot of people have. But there's still room. Blogging isn't the exclusive club that it once was. If anything, it's like the deep end of an olympic sized pool... You think that there's no way you could make it in, and before you know it, you're there and people are cheering for you. The only difference is that with blogging, your friends are there to help you along the way, and if you need them, they'll always help to get your feet off the ground.

I hope that analogy wasn't too cheesy!

If you need a reason to start a blog, read the paragraph above. The more bloggers we have, the more chance we'll have of being able to get off the ground.

Thank you for reading this incredibly rambly post!

Comment below your own analogy of blogging (it's probably much better than mine!)

Keep Smiling - Lou xx


  1. I can see you being a fantastic creative writer, best of luck. Have an amazing time at university xxx


  2. good luck at uni! youll be great, i promise!
    ~basicallychloe xx
    don't forget to smile!:)


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