My 300th Post!

Hey Guys x

It feels like I've been celebrating a lot of blogging milestones recently, and here's another to add to the list!

This is my 300th Post!

I always say this, but I find that really hard to believe. I have written 300 posts. That's crazy!

Just thinking about coming up with 300 ideas to write a post about right now seems really daunting - and I've already done this! It's so weird!

When I started writing this blog, I never expected to write 300 posts. I've said this so many times before, but I expected to pick up blogging as a new hobby, get bored, and pick up something else, leaving my blog in the metaphorical wasteland of spaces on the internet that are taken but no longer occupied. But obviously this wasn't the case.

Every time something happens to me, or I become passionate about something, I write it down in my phone as a possible blog topic, and looking through my old posts, I can see the passion in my writing, which is something that makes me really happy.

I spent yesterday re-reading all of my blogmas posts from last year, and now I'm really excited to possibly do it again this year (I haven't decided if I'm doing it yet, so watch this space!)

I also can't believe that I've been blogging for so long! Next month I'll have been blogging for a year and a half, which is crazy to think about!

This blog, probably like a lot of yours, started with a single thought: "I could do that" and 17 months later, 300 posts have been written and I'm more invested in the blogging world than I've ever been before, and I'm loving every minute of it so far!

And to be honest, without all of your comments and views, I don't know if I'd still be in this place. I'd probably still be blogging, but not as much, and I'd be nowhere near 300 posts!

So thank you to everyone who follows and is reading this post! It means so much to me.

Whether you've only read this one post, or you've read all of my posts and will continue reading them for as long as I continue to write them, I really thank you so much, it means the world to me!

Thank you for reading

Comment below how many posts you've written!

Keep Smiling - Lou xx


  1. Congratulations on 300 posts! I've been blogging since April 2015 and have posted 46 posts!

    TheDonkeyInvasion - A Bookish Blog!

  2. Congratulations on 300 posts! It's so crazy to think that you thought of 300 ideas to write about, its incredible. And all your posts have been amazing too. I'm glad you stuck with blogging xxx

  3. wow! Congrats xx thats alot of posts haha
    Peace xo

  4. Really amazing for 300 posts, you're truly creative, and your blog shows so much good things put into it, so congrats. You're blog is awesome. Glad you kept with it. Take care.

  5. Congratulations on reaching 300 blog posts! Such an achievement :) I have a long way to go before I even reach 100 haha! xx

  6. Congrats. It really is crazy. Xx

  7. Wow, you are definitely much more experienced than I am! Congratulations! I can't wait to have some spare time to nosey through some of the older posts! Keep it up! Xx

  8. Thats amaz-balls im not even at 100 :/ youve done a really great job posting so much your really a dedicated writer! CONGRATS !! Hope you continue your journey ♥

    nique || xo

  9. wow thats AMAZING !! congrats !

    amazing post as always :D new video :) would love a comment


  10. Congratulations on this amazing milestone!

    Sarah |

  11. Congrats! I can't imagine myself's reaction as I type my 300th posts haha.

  12. Aww, huge congrats on the milestone! 300! That's a lot! I'm only on 40 and I'm already feeling overwhelmed, haha. Congratulations, Lou! <3

    May | THE MAYDEN | Bloglovin'


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