Facebook Rant!

Hey Guys x

I've recently re-joined the world of Facebook.

I say 're-joined' because I used to have Facebook when I was younger, but I deactivated it because I didn't really want to use it anymore.

Anyway, it has now been re-activated. And it's kind of made me remember all the reasons that I didn't like it in the first place, so I thought I'd share some of them with you!

Too Much Information
This is one of the biggest problems with Facebook. I mean, I find it interesting to know if someone has got into their chosen university, or has a new job. However, I don't care if your cat fell off of your bed or if you burnt your dinner. I really don't care. I think people use Facebook to express all of the things that they think people want to hear about because they're 'Friends', when in fact, people really couldn't care less.

Suggested Friends
I don't know if this has been a thing for a while, but I never noticed it when I used Facebook before so I can only assume that it's new. This thing where your friends can suggest other people for you to be friends with. I find that really weird. If I wanted to be friends with someone, wouldn't I just be friends with them. I mean, I understand if someone is new to Facebook and you want to alert them to someone that you maybe went to school with or something, but if you and I have both been on Facebook for a while and know who's out there, why do I need your suggestion on who to be friends with. I think I find it weird because it's like, imagine you're sitting, minding your own business, and someone walks up to you with a stranger in tow and says 'You should be friends with her. Go on, be friends with her!' which is really weird!

Privacy Settings
People make a big thing about privacy on the internet. Especially because of programs like 'Catfish', people are very wary about who they speak to on the internet, which is a really good thing. However, from my point of view, Facebook keeps the wrong parts of your life private. If someone's not friends with you, they can't see your status (aka what you had for dinner tonight) but they can see your first name, surname, place of education (and/or work) and the area that you live in. Is it just me or does that not make sense! I know that you can make your Facebook account so private that no one can see anything, but people rarely go to these lengths, which is a shame because, with your surname, place of work and location, if someone really wanted to, they could probably find where you work easily enough,

Family vs. Friends
This is something that makes me less likely to post on Facebook. When you're out with friends, or you have private jokes with them, you might post something harmless on Facebook that you'd never want your parents to see, but you know that your friends will appreciate it, forgetting the many relatives that you've added and then forgotten about, meaning that anything you post can go straight to your parents without you even thinking about it!

Now that Instagram is a thing, this happens a lot less. But there are still many people who think that their Facebook profile picture is being looked at by countless modelling agents just waiting to sign them up to be the next Kate Moss. I mean, really??

There are probably more things but I don't want to make this post too long!

Thank you for reading.

Comment below some of the things you like/don't like about Facebook!

Keep Smiling - Lou xx


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry I posted part of another comment! Loved this post so much! Im the same where Facebook is concerned. I don't like the fact that I spend hours scrolling through and seeing what all my old so called best friends are getting up to. I just annoy myself but I can't stop, I feel like I want a new account but just for blogging friends. No people you know in real life, no family members, just blogging friends xx

  3. Hahah what a brilliant post! I totally agree. When I first got Facebook I was SO excited...until I came across everything that you talked about. What annoys me the most about it - and is also why I only really use it to message people - is how incredibly superficial it is. Very often, it's about the profile picture, the number of likes, how many people wish happy birthday, when the exact same people would never even know that it was your birthday, let alone care, were it not for Facebook and how they want to present themselves online. There's so much pressure, especially for younger users, that it can become quite a negative place which is sad.


    Have a lovely evening xx


    1. *#rantover - apparently I got so into that rant that I forgot how to spell…oh dear :')

    2. Thank you! I completely agree xx

  4. I'm not on Facebook myself (just not interested) but trying to explain to my parents how to do something is a nightmare and they're not strangers to computers and can normally navigate computers and websites well. So I guess it isn't as intuitive as people say?!

    TheDonkeyInvasion - A Bookish Blog!


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