
I really love this quote, so I thought I would open with it.
I am a worrier. Like, if you think you worry a lot, times that by 10 and you'll be halfway closer to the amount that I worry! Seriously!
A lot of things contribute to this, for example, social anxiety, which I will do a proper post about soon, but also just general anxiety.
I don't think I go through things that would make the average person anxious, but as I'm not the average person, I just overthink everything and end up scrutinising every single little detail until I feel like I can't breathe.
The quote above is really comforting to me, because it's so true.
If you worry about tomorrow, you can't change whatever will happen and you can't make it better. All worrying does is put you in a bad mood for the rest of the day, and then you think that whatever happens tomorrow will be a lot more worrying than it actually will.
For me personally, I have found that, if I think something will be horrible, it actually ends up going quite well. Like with the university interview that I mentioned a few posts ago. I was so nervous about that interview because I was worried that they wouldn't like me or that they'd outright reject me. Anyway, it actually went well and I ended up getting an offer, which is absolutely amazing!
But in the same way, when I think something will go well, it never goes as well as I think it will. This doesn't have to be something big. Maybe a presentation in class. If I think it will go well, and I mess something up, it just goes that much worse!
The main thing that I am saying is that, worrying causes you to overthink about everything. The worst thing about this is the fact that nothing will ever be as bad as you think it will, but you end up making things up, and then worrying that they may happen! I do this all the time. I imagine the weirdest of scenarios and then worry that they may come true!
Sorry that this post wasn't very long, I just wanted to spill everything in my head, as I always do!
Just to let you guys know, tomorrow I have to have a mini operation (which is nothing to worry about), meaning that I probably won't post this weekend. I'll try to post on Sunday, but I'm really sorry if I don't! But either way, I will definitely be posting on Monday!
Thank you for reading!
Comment below what you're currently worried about! (Mine is my mini op x)
Keep Smiling - Lou xx


  1. Ah I know what you mean with worrying about things that you really don't need to! It sucks so bad but I just try, suck it up and do it (usually unsuccessfully but at least I've tried ^.^ ) Very lovely post- I hope your op goes okay! Sending all the good luck wishes <3


  2. I'm exactly the same, I spend so much time worrying about things, there normally the little things that no one else cares about. Hope your op goes well, relax for the rest of the weekend x At the minute im worried that my sister will find my blog....actually I'm always worried about that haha xx

    1. I'm the same, worrying about the smallest things! Thank you xx

  3. Congratulations on your offer, that's amazing! I too overthink and worry quite a bit (aka too much). It does tend to take over a lot, but it's important that we don't let it ... making up all these horrible scenarios in our heads even though they probably won't end up happening, it's pointless. And your operation will go totally fine <3 xx

  4. I am exactly the same, i worry about everything from the way i look to the way i sound or even the way other people look at me and if i'm walking the right way and all the minor things that everyone else doesn't look twice at.. It's hard to stop that while dealing with Social Anxiety on top of that (that's what i have to deal with :( ). I am here anytime you want to talk! and good luck with your operation I'm sure it will go completely fine!

    Just Another Girl xxx

  5. You have no idea how much I relate to this. Anxiety has always been my biggest fear and bully. It's something that just doesn't go away. Many people have told me to "quit worrying" or "don't sweat it" and honestly, I hate those terms. I can't control it! It's not like I can tell it to get out of my brain. I have a similar quote that I love that says " No amount of anxiety can change the future." It's on my wall and I really do love by it. This post was amazing.
    Jess Heart


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