Girl Talk: Gossip

I am in the midst of planning a really fun 'Girl Talk' post. I wanted to put it up today, but with college work and getting home later and later, I had to substitute it and change the weeks around, so look forward to next weeks post! (It may or may not involve Disney)
Gossip. I made this a 'Girl Talk' post because, although boys probably gossip too, we all know that girls do it more. And while boys do it in an innocent way, there are a few (OK, a lot) of us girls who gossip in a malicious way.
Personally, I think gossip is ok, and innocent a lot of the time. If you and your friend talk about the people that you come into contact with, whether about something they've done or something they've worn, I think gossip is harmless, in certain circumstances. I obviously don't think gossip is 100% bad all the time, and I don't think anyone could, as we probably all do it, and we can't be hypocrites. But there is a point where gossip becomes harmful, and can later turn into bullying.
Gossiping about someone you hate. We all do this, and generally, if we hate someone, we don't have anything nice to say about them, which is understandable. But sometimes it can get a bit much. If you're gossiping about this person to someone that doesn't hate them, then you may risk turning your friend against someone that they otherwise would have liked, or even worse, they tell that person that you've been gossiping about them! We all want to trust our friends, but if we want their trust, we can't gossip to them about people that they might like., it puts everyone in an awkward position.
Gossiping about our friends. Of course, most of us may not do this, but we have some friends that are closer to us than others. But to get loyalty from our friends, we have to give back that loyalty.
And one more thing. If you have someone who gossips about everyone to you, then they may gossip about you to other people. Gossip works both ways, and to not be on the receiving end, don't maliciously gossip about other people. 
Smile, laugh, breath, and live life without making other people feel something that you'd hate to feel.
Thank you for reading.
Comment below what you think about gossip


  1. This would be a cool series for you to do! I think gossip is sometimes harmless but in my experience is usually about spreading rumours which is never nice! Abi :)

    1. I agree, gossip is rarely about something good! Xx


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