Bookshelf Tour Part 1!

This blog idea is completely inspired by Carrie Hope Fletcher. She did her bookshelf tour in a video here and I loved it, so I thought I'd do my own version of it.

This is just part one and trust me, they'll be a lot of parts! Today's post is the first of 5 columns of one bookshelf. I have 3 bookshelves in my house to get through, which could take a while! I'll also just be giving you a slight background of each book, either a mini  review of an overview of where/how I got it. I've also reviewed a lot of the books, so I'll leave the link to my review within my overview.

What Carrie also did, which I liked, was that she kept a record of the books that she had and hadn't read, so I think I'll do the same. That way I can keep a track of the books that I'm going to read in the future, as well as the ones that I'm going to be reviewing!

Enjoy looking through the first part of my bookshelf (I use the term 'shelf' very loosely!)

These pictures are what the whole 'shelf' looks like. The other shelves in my house are actual shelves, these are just places on my desk, but I figured that this counted as a shelf so I started here!
The last picture is the first column that I will be writing about today. Each time I post a 'Bookshelf' tour, it will be the next column along until I finish, and move on to the next shelf.

The Divergent Trilogy

My friend allowed me to borrow her copy of Divergent because she insisted that I had to read it. I've already done a review on it here and if you've read that, you can see why I love this book so much that I had to buy my own copy, as well as the rest of the trilogy. I haven't read either of the other books but I am really looking forward to reading them and reviewing them!
Divergent: Read
Insurgent and Allegiant: Unread

The Hunger Games Trilogy
I bought the first book because everyone was talking about it, and I wanted to read it right away. Fortunately, I love it (although I'm still about 50 pages from the end). So much so that I started writing a fan fiction based on it, featuring celebrities that you can view here! As I haven't properly finished the book, I haven't read the last two, and I haven't seen any of the films, but I hope to soon!
The Hunger Games: Practically Read
Catching Fire and Mockingjay: Not read

When I Was Joe
I reviewed this book about 2 weeks ago right here and I still suggest that you should definitely read it if you haven't. I'm not going to go into the story because you can read the review, but I do think it's the kind of story that anyone will enjoy!

Ten Things We Shouldn't Have done
I love love love this book so much! I recently got it back after I lent it to a friend who also loved it, which tells me that it's not just me who loves this book. It's one of the best coming-of-age kind of novels that I have ever read and I can't speak of it highly enough, especially as I have already reviewed it here, but seriously, if you're out and you see it, take my advice and buy it, you won't be disappointed!

The Sleepover Club (3)
I was completely obsessed with The Sleepover Club when I was younger and have started reading it again recently for fun. This will probably be a bit too young for most of you, but I will always love it!

The Fault In Our Stars
This is one of my favourite books. I reviewed it when I first started my blog here and I still feel the exact same way about it. The only difference is that now I have also seen the film, and cried numerous times. If you haven't read this, you need to!

 I'm not sure if this book is based on the film 'Bridesmaids' but the film was absolutely hilarious! I haven't read this book yet, but I bought it because I love Jane Costello! I've read her book 'Girl On The Run' and it was brilliant, so I can't wait to read this!

Almost True
This is the sequel to 'When I Was Joe' and I have read it and loved it. It was a great sequel to the book and I really want to read it again. When I posted my review of the first book, the author, Keren David, said that she hoped I would like the third book, 'Another Life' which has instantly made me want to buy it!

I've Got Your Number
 In the words of Tyler Oakley, Sophie Kinsella is literally my queen, in terms of authors! I've also reviewed this book (here) because it is my favourite of hers (excluding the shopaholic series) and it is a book that I would have no trouble reading over and over again!

The Future Of Us
I'd really like to review this book over the next few weeks because I thought the idea was amazing! It is set in 1996 and shows two teenagers who have accidently logged onto their Facebook accounts 15 years into the future. I can explain it more when I review it but it was a great book, and so well written! It is also one of the first and only books that I have read that has 2 authors, which I found really interesting.

Dear Dumb Diary

When I was looking at this, I couldn't believe that I have had this book since 2007. That's 7 years!! I read this over and over when I was younger, but haven't read it for about 3 years. I can't remember what attracted me to it, but I may have to read it again to find out!

Running In Heels
I'm not going to lie, what first attracted me to this book was that the main character's brother was called Aston, and at the time, I was in love with Aston from JLS. But I am so glad that I picked it up because it is now one of my favourite books, and one that I hope to review soon. It is a riches-to-rags tail with a twist!

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

I went to the Harry Potter Studios last week and it was phenomenal! Making me want to get all of the books and read them again. I have up to the Goblet of Fire (thanks to my friend getting me the Chamber of Secrets!) and the Deathly Hallows, but I want to get all of them so that I can read them all from beginning to end!

Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel
I am obsessed with 'Wimpy Kid' books. Although they're too young for me, I could literally read them over and over again. I don't know what it is about them, but they leave me transfixed! And my mum has pre-ordered the next book so I can't wait to read it! (She may or may not have ordered it for my younger sister, but oh well!)

So Little Time: Tell Me About It
I went through a few years of being completely obsessed with Mary-Kate and Ashley! I still love them and own most of their films, as well as a lot of their books. And by a lot, I really mean it. When we progress with the Bookshelf tour, you'll see how many I really do have!

Another book that is just waiting for me to review it! I love it, and have read it twice. There's not a lot I can say about it because I haven't read it for about 6 months and I don't want to get anything wrong, so you'll have to wait for the review!

Who didn't love Roald Dahl when they were growing up? Matilda was and is one of my favourites by him, especially the film itself! If you haven't read this childhood classic then you should!

My Sister's Keeper
This is the type of book that you don't have to read before seeing the film, which is a big thing for me! I saw the film before the book, and I have to say, they were just as good as each other. The book, however, does give a lot more detail, but the film makes you (or certainly me) cry more, so it's a win-win. I suggest you do both!

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
The place where it all began. If you can't decide whether or not to watch the films, or if you've seen the films and liked them, read this book and it will make your mind up. When I speak to people about it, either they completely love it, or it's not really their thing. I love it, and I think a lot of you reading will love it too! I have also reviewed it here so if you need something extra to help you make up your mind, check that out.

Pride and Penalties
Chris Higgins has always been a favourite of mine. She has 5 books, which are not a series but I bought them around the same time and I think they were her first 5, that completely changed the way I view things. This is one of them. Her books stay with me long after I close them and I recommend everyone read them!

The Clique: The Pretty Committee Strikes Back
I think this is the second book in a series, but this is the only one that I've ever had. I did enjoy this book, but not as much as I could have. I may re-read it and review it in the future. I think that maybe you have to read the first one to fully understand, because I kind of didn't. But it's still an enjoyable read!

13 Little Blue Envelopes
I don't know what it is about this book. I have started it about 100 times and have never been able to get to the end. I love it, and I think the idea is really creative and great, but I can't seem to finish it! Again, I have no idea why, but I still recommend that you read it because what I have read is completely worth it!

Mini Shopaholic
The second Sophie Kinsella (aka Queen Sophie) entry in this column. This is the last book in the shopaholic series and probably my favourite! Obviously I won't tell you anything about it because there have been 5 books prior to this and you may not have read any of them! But trust me, this is my favourite ever book series for a very good reason!

The Pointless Book

The latest addition to my Bookshelf. The new book by Alfie Deyes! I got this the day it came out (I think) but cannot say anything about it because I'm reviewing it on Wednesday, so look out for that!

Thank you for reading.
If you've read any of these books, let me know in the comments!

Comment below your favourite book from your own bookshelf!


  1. Oh my word. I hate to state the obvious but you have SO many books! Some great titles though! Love Roald Dahl! Abi :)

    1. I know! I never realised how much until I took the pictures! xx


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