Do More Of What You Love

I haven't posted a blog post in the last two days, due to exams, so I thought I would do a totally unplanned post based on something that  strongly believe, and something that a lot of youtubers talk about and stand by.

Why do something if it doesn't make you happy? I believe that, if you love something, then you shouldn't stop doing it based on someone else's feelings about you. If there's something in the back of your mind that you'd love to do (such as creating a blog) then do it, don't worry about what people will think of you.

Break the rules and take chances, you only get one life and only you can decide how you're going to live it.

I intended this post to be incredibly positive. To keep with this positive theme, below are a few of my favourite positive quotes. Find your favourite and leave it in a comment below!

Thank you for reading. I hope this post has made your day much more positive!
Sorry that it was so short, but as I said, I have exams xx

Comment below what keeps you positive!


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