2 Months and 'Get To Know Me' Tag!!

I started my blog on the 26th April this year, so I have just passed the two month mark that I have had this blog for. I am first of all amazed that I have managed to keep it up for this long, but I am also so pleased with the people who have left me comments about it on various social media sights, a part of me can't believe that people actually like what I do!

I am really happy with my blog, but obviously I will keep improving and making it as good as it can be.

Because I've hit the two month mark, I thought I would do a 'Get To Know Me' tag that I found here: http://www.lebeautygirl.com/2011/06/get-to-know-me-tag-21-questions.html
I tag anyone and everyone reading to complete this tag so that I can learn more about other bloggers!

1. Are you named after anyone? No I'm not. My parents just chose names that the liked, although they probably heard the names somewhere before they gave them to me!
2. When was the last time you cried? Last Sunday while watching 'The Fault In Our Stars'. I was a complete mess and I can't wait until I can see it again!
3. Do you have kids? No.
4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself? Yes I would, I try to be the kind of friend that I would like to have, if that makes sense!
5. Do you use sarcasm a lot? I don't know if I've said this, but I speak fluent sarcasm, which is hard to portray through writing.
6. Will you ever bungee-jump? I don't think so. I have never been an adrenaline junkie and I'm terrified of heights so I think that they chances of me doing a bungee-jump are quite slim!
7. What’s your favourite cereal? Ready Brek, I like porridge type cereals.
8. What’s the first thing you notice about people? Eye contact and questions. Generally I like it if I can properly have a conversation with someone. That can't happen if I don't ask them questions about themselves and vice-versa
9. What is your eye colour? Brown.
10. Scary movie or happy endings? Both? I love horror movies, but I am a true romantic and I love watching movies where the lead couple gets together and lives 'happily ever after'
11. Favourite smells? JLO - Miami Glow or the smell of a candle being blown out.
12. Summer or winter? Winter. I love winter, especially because I was born during December and I don't do too well in the heat.
13. Computer or television? Computer, because how else would I watch the latest videos from my favourite YouTubers?
14. What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home? I've been to Barbados when I was really young, but in recent times, probably Florida.
15. Do you have any special talents? I would say that writing, especially fiction, is a talent of mine. I've also been told that I'm quite good at giving advice (I don't know if that's a talent)!
16. Where were you born? London
17. What are your hobbies? Writing, reading, working on this blog, watching YouTube videos and working on new book ideas!
18. Do you have any pets? No, I am really not an animal person, but if I had to get one, it would definitely be a cat!
19. Favourite movie? At the moment it's 'Friends With Benefits' with Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis.
20. Do you have any siblings? Yes, a younger sister and a younger half brother and sister.
21. What do you want to be when you grow up? An author, hopefully, or maybe a publisher. Something to do with writing, I couldn't imagine doing anything else!
Again, I tag anyone reading to do this tag and tell me so that I can read it!
Thank you for reading.
Comment below your answers to these questions!


  1. You sound like a lovely person! I'm an aspiring author as well and am currently writing a book > <
    Stef <3

  2. Ive done this tag (:


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