My 400th Post!

Hey Guys x

Technically, my 400th post was my 'Guest Week' post, but still, I've hit 400 posts!

This kind of took me by surprise, I just looked at my amount of posts one day and noticed that I was close to hitting a milestone.

From 300 to 400, it feels like time has just flown by!

I hit 300 posts in September, and it's weird to look back and see how my blog has changed!

Earlier this month, I hit a bit of a creative slump, and I didn't really have anything to post about, and I didn't think that I would make it to 400! Mainly because, I'd rather not post at all than post something that I don't really care about, or something that just isn't good.

And in that time, a part of me thought that I'd stop blogging.

It wouldn't be a conscious decision, I'd just skip days, and then post less and less, and then I'd come back to my blog in the year 2020 and think 'oh yeah, I remember this!'

So hitting 400 posts really means a lot to me - it kind of tells me that, yes, sometimes blogging is the hardest thing in the world, but I can do it and I can achieve many more milestones.

And you guys reading are a bit part of that. It would be so easy to not post if no one noticed when you skip days or if no one was reading what you were posting anyway.

I've been really lucky with my blog - I get a great amount of views and comments, and each comment is amazing and supportive or funny or informative or interesting - which is amazing and I'm really really grateful!

And then there's things like 'Guest Week'.

I was scared of putting it up, mainly, because I didn't think that anyone would participate. I certainly didn't think I would get enough people for a whole week!

I hoped for 7 and expected 3.

And currently, I have about 15 people that want to be involved, which is more than two weeks worth or posts, which I am so surprised and excited about!

It begins in mid-April so look out for it!

So anyway, I just want to say a huge 'thank you!' for getting me to 400 posts, I couldn't have done it without you!

Thank you for reading

Comment below your latest blogging milestone!

Keep Smiling - Lou xx


  1. Congratulations! I have been following for so long - since I started blogging and it's fantastic how your blog has grown and developed, you should be so proud of yourself!

    Alice xo

  2. Congrats! This is amazing :)) I totally get you on the issue of hitting that slump. It can get difficult, but it's really great you got through it! Can't wait to see what posts are in store for Guest Week
    Have a wonderful day!

    ~Andrea Tiffany~

  3. Congratulations on reaching 400 posts! That's amazing! I know exactly how you feel with the creative slump, but the feeling when you push through it is great- so well done! Can't wait to read your guest week posts :D
    Elise |

  4. Congrats on 400 posts! I think we all get creative slumps from time to time but it's so great when you get out that slump.
    'Guest Week' has kind of turned into 'Guest Two Weeks And A Bit', that's so great!
    <3 Catherine

  5. Congratulations on 400 posts! Your blog is awesome! Keep up the good work. :)

  6. Congrats on 400, it's great to see you come this far!


  7. Whoop Whoop! Congratulations on 400 blog posts, pretty impressive!

  8. Congratulations, I remember your 100th post! Its seems like only a little bit ago. Xx


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