Update and Fun Questions!

Question, Mark, Question Mark, Surprise, Astonishment

Hey Guys x

First of all, I need to apologise. I haven't posted since last Friday and I'm really sorry!

It's basically been a cross between not being motivated and being ill for the last few days. But I have been looking through the 'Guest Week' posts that I've received and they look awesome!

Anyway, I'm still not 100% well so I don't know if I'll post tomorrow, but for today, I thought I'd do a tag that I found online called 'The Fun Questions Tag!'

I'm not going to tag anyone, but if you want to do this tag, please feel free!

The Fun Questions Tag!

When is your birthday? 12th December!

What are your three favourite colours? Silver, pink and blue

What are your three favourite quotes? 'Do something you love and you never have a work a day in your life', and I can't think of two more!

Are you addicted to YouTube? Who isn't addicted to YouTube? Not just youtubers, but everything! Viral videos, celebrity interviews and everything, I love it!

What are your three favourite TV shows? The other day, I chose some shows that I wanted to give a chance to, so I watched all of their pilots and literally fell in love! Those shows are 'Orange is the New Black', 'Gossip Girl' and 'Scandal'. If you watch any of those, let me know, but please don't give me spoilers! Few things anger me like having premature spoilers!

What three qualities do you like in a best friend? Honesty, vulnerability and kindness.

Do you like your name? Not particularly. Not my birth name anyway!

If you have the choice to pick your own name, what will it be? In terms of first name, I like Bria Lou, which isn't exactly the name that I was born with, so I think, if I could change it to anything, it would probably be that (not that it's very different from my actual name at all!)
My surname, however, I want to change more than anything else! I never put it on the internet, but I hate it! It doesn't feel like me whatsoever and, although I've always said I'll wait until I'm married and then take my husband's name, I've recently been toying with the idea of changing it sooner rather than later.

What is your fantasy dream? Right now I kind of want to marry Chris Evans or Ryan Reynolds! And be a bestselling author, but I'm hoping that's less 'fantasy' and more 'prolonged reality', but we'll see!

Do you wear make-up? Yes, sometimes. Not really that often though!

If you could write a book, what would the title be and what would it be about? I have so many ideas, so I'm not answering this question because I don't want them getting stolen!

What makes you cry? A lot makes me cry, I cry so much! TV characters dying, movie characters dying, happy endings. Recently, weirdly, I've found myself being emotional during closing credits for films. It doesn't matter what the film was about, the fact that it's ending just makes me emotional. I definitely have issues!

What makes you angry? Not being able to trust people, being treated like shit, general ignorance, that kind of thing. I've found that my anger always stems from the actions of others!

What makes you happy? Recently, doing nothing makes me happy! When I have the day free to watch celebrity interviews and youtube videos and new movies and new episodes of TV shows. In fact, a lot of the time, I have to force myself to leave the house!

What is fangirling? Fangirling is an art, in which you dedicate your life to your chosen person and support them in any way possible!

What are your three favourite snacks? I can't think of three, but I've had a thing for ice lollies lately, I eat one every night. I just love how refreshing it is!

What are your three favourite foods? Steak as number one, definitely! Pasta with anything, and pizza - whether take-out of frozen, I don't really mind!

What are your three favourite drinks? Fanta fruit twist, cloudy lemonade and tropical juice.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? This is the worst question because, when people ask me this, I never know what to say! Like, what do you want to know? I'm a 19 year old university student who wants to become an author. I'm a procrastinator, a reader, an introvert, and obviously, a blogger!

I just realised that I've done this tag before, and I don't know what to do. It was only three months into blogging so I might just leave it and look at the differences between then and now!

Thank you for reading!

Comment below your answers to these questions!

Keep Smiling - Lou xx


  1. Sounds like a fun little tag to let people get to know you better! I might give it a go. :)
    Have a wonderful day and keep up the good work. Get better soon!
    Lauren x


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