Learning To Love Your Flaws - Girl Abroad | Guest Week

I hate the way my skin is bumpy all over my arms, uneven with red lumps and bumps. I hate the way my ribs stick out at an angle, it's unattractive and ugly. I hate the way my knees are knobbly. I hate the way my feet are way to big for my body, I feel like a clown walking around. I hate my flaws.

But, if I think about it, I love my so-called "flaws". They're what makes me different, and I adore that. Even though my skin is bumpy, it doesn't affect my life overall. I'm so grateful I don't have anything seriously wrong with my skin. A few bumps won't hurt me. Even though my ribs stick out sometimes, I don't look unhealthy, and I'm not unhealthy. I'm at a healthy weight. I love the way my knees are knobbly. They're just cool! I love my way-too-big-for-my-body feet. They help me balance - pretty awesome, eh? 

So if you're looking at yourself, scrutinising yourself in the mirror, what are your "flaws"? Accept that you're not perfect, but youare perfectly yourself - and that's what matters 

Social media can be toxic. Day in, day out, we scroll through endless images of body goals. Like we're expected to have toned abs, yet a curvy and feminine figure and flawless complexion. These expectations seep into our skin, lurking at the back of our minds 24/7 until we weigh up our "flaws". Why can't I be like that? Why isn't this me? 

Let it go. Accept yourself. Love yourself. 

What did you class as flaws that you've learnt to love?

This post was written by Alice from Girl Abroad, a beauty and fashion blog. 

I can't thank Lou enough for letting me be part of this project - it's so special and  I have loved discovering more wonderful people with beautiful ideas through it! 


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