My 2nd Blogiversary!

Hey Guys x

This has completely crept up on me - but today is my blog's second anniversary (or blogiversary) and I am just so happy!

I have been blogging for two years! When I started, I never thought that I would make it this far or be blogging for this long! I mean, I always say this, but I definitely thought that I would have gotten bored and found another 50 hobbies to keep my mind occupied day in and day out.

But no, blogging has been my constant thing - the thing that can still get me really excited, and the thing that I'm constantly writing down notes and ideas for, and I'm so grateful that I found it when I did!

Something I've been really excited to do is to compare this blogiversary to the last one.

When I had been blogging for a year, I had just shy of 18,000 pageviews - which was amazing! I now have close to 55,000 views - and I can't even fathom it! You guys have clicked on my blog and read one of my posts close to 55 THOUSAND times! That's incredible to me and I am so grateful!

I had 67 bloglovin' followers, and I was completely obsessed with watching my follower count. Now, it kind of has less importance to me, in the sense that, as much as I love having followers, I'd much rather get the comments and emails that I get from you guys. I'd rather have 0 followers and 5 people commenting on my posts than 1 million followers and no one caring about what I write. Having said that, I now have 176 followers and I'm extremely grateful for every one! And I'd love to be able to reach many more bloggers with my posts in the future!

I had 860 published comments - I now have over 2,300 - and I can't even begin to describe how happy I am with that and how weird it feels - that something that I've single-handedly created has been commented on over 2 thousand times! I mean, I can't believe it!

So I hope you know that everything you do for me, reading, commenting and following, means the world and more to me and I will never be able to thank you enough for taking the time to tell me what you think of my posts and my blog!

I'm also really glad that my 2 years began with Guest Week. I had no idea that they were going to bump into each other, but I'm so happy that they did! Having 14 people guest post on my blog was the perfect way of me seeing how much my blog has changed.

I would never have had the confidence to invite 14 people to take control of my blog before - and now I've done it and I'm so happy that I did because it was great, and again, I have you guys to thank for that!

I want to thank everyone who did a guest post for me, everyone who's commented, emailed, tweeted, messaged - anyone who's come into contact with me in any way to do with my blog - thank you so much for helping me get to the 2 year mark. Hopefully I can hit many more milestones in the future!

Thank you for reading - if this is the first time or the hundredth time that you've read my blog - I'm really grateful!

Comment below your latest blogging milestone!

Keep Smiling - Lou xx


  1. Hiya!! I haven't been blogging for that long! I started up my blog on the 25th August last year! Got a while until it is my first Blogiversary! Congratulations! You have been blogging for two years and your blog couldn't be any better. :) Keep up the good work and I will speak to you soon!!

  2. Congratulations in reaching 2 years! You've certainly reached a lot of milestones within that too, congratulations for all of them!
    Elise xxx

  3. Congratulations on two years! I've recently hit one xx

    One World, Too Many Pages

    1. Thank you! Congratulations to you too! xx


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