Relatable Resting Bitch Face Problems! - Okay Christina | Guest Week

Hey lovelies! It's Christina from the blog Okay Christina guest posting for Bria today!

When Bria asked me to write a guest post on a topic I felt strongly about, at first I thought about writing about either a post on fashion or beauty. But after a while of thinking I thought to myself, 'no, I want to write a post that I 100% feel passionate for'...

So here is my post on only things people with a resting bitch face will understand!

Now I've had a resting bitch face for practically as long as I can remember, but it never really came to my attention until it came to secondary school... Now for those who don't know what a resting bitch face is (otherwise abbreviated as RBF), according to the Urban Dictionary it is when you constantly have a mean, expressionless look on your face when you don't actually mean to.

You see I was I guess naturally born with a RBF, ever since I was born I've had this issue with my teeth and my jaw structure called an underbite which basically mean my lower set of teeth overlap my upper set of teeth, unlike normal children.

What I'm basically trying to say is that my jaw naturally sticks out meaning that I always look grumpy as hell. I'm so sick and tired of people asking me if I'm okay or telling me to smile, because most of the time I'm fine. I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels like this. I want to share with you  things that only people with a RBF will understand, so enjoy!

• Your mad face and happy face are the same

It’s hard to make new friends because they already think you’re a bitch. I’m really not! Honest!

• 9/10 times, people ask you if you’re feeling okay. Like, yeah I'm fine thanks...

You're think you're having a good day and you look happy and normal until someone catches a glimpse of you and asks you if you're having a good day... Like woah, do I really look that miserable?

 People always tell you ‘cheer up! It can’t be that bad’

All emotions blur into one mean scowl

 You constantly look like you’re in a bad mood

You fear that in the future you will scare away the love of your life with your RBF

 When you do smile for photos, it just looks forced and weird

People think you’re artificial and stuck up

Have you ever been accused of having RBF? Please share your stories below!

Did you enjoy reading this post? For more content like this you can visit my blog Okay Christina


  1. This is so funny! I have RBF and the bus driver told me to cheer up today. I wish I had said something.

    One World, Too Many Pages

    1. Aha thank you! Someone else who understands the struggles of a RBF!

      Christina ♡ from Okay Christina

  2. I know exactly how you feel! I get this so bad! I look so mean whenever I just have my resting face on- I don't mean it!
    Elise |

    1. I'm glad you can relate to this! I thought I was practically the only person with a RBF!

      Christina ♡ from Okay Christina


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