Travelling & Trying New Things - Em's World | Guest Week

Hi, I'm Em from the blog Em's World | Talking Through The Screen. Today I will be doing a guest post on this blog, I hope you enjoy...........

I've always found travelling fun, I find it really interesting and a tiny bit scary at the same time. I think it's great to explore new places and try new things, I especially enjoy the little things. For example today I tried a Cinnabon for the first time and (this is quite a big thing) a few days ago I came here to America, going out of Europe for the first time. I appreciate that not everyone enjoys going abroad but I find it amazing, I also appreciate that not everybody has the opportunity to go abroad but you can travel and try new things without spending loads of money as well, whether it's camping in you back garden or staying in a hotel on the other side of the world you can still explore and see different ways of living and cultures. 
When I say trying new things, it can mean anything, like today I walked up to a squirrel and it didn't run away, it wasn't frightened at all and just stood staring at me, to be honest I found this quite amazing. I also went on a very scary roller coaster that I wouldn't have dreamed of going on a few years ago. 

As well as actually being somewhere and doing something, I love the excitement before hand during the build up, the countdown of the days and the endless days spent planning. It's so fun reading about where you are going and thinking about what you are going to do! 
For me a big part of travelling is being with friends and family, yes you will probably argue a little bit but so what, that's just human nature and they aren't the bits you remember. You remember the laughter and the sunshine and the activities you all did together. 
Another reason I love to travel, as sad as this may sound, is the photography aspect. When you are away from home everything and everyone seems so photogenic and I just can't stop myself from taking a cute pic. I think this is good though because capturing memories is important and great to look back on. 
One of the great things about it are the memories that are made, little moments that will stay in your mind forever and images that you can look back on forever. 

What are your thoughts on traveling and tying new things? Let me know in the comments!


  1. Such an awesome post Em! Guest week is wonderful. :)
    I think trying things is a part of life and without discovering new things we would just be living the same lives. We need to step out of our comfort zone and travel places we have never seen before!
    Lauren x

  2. I loved taking part in quest week and writing this post! Than you for including it on your blog ❤️


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