Guest Week | Ending and Thank You's!

Hey Guys x

For the first time in 14 days, it's Lou here!

Guest Week (technically 'Guest Fortnight') has now officially finished and I could not be happier with how it turned out! Honestly, it was completely amazing!

People had such unique ideas for their posts and it was so interesting to see all of the different ways that people blog and the different things that they feel passionate about.

And if you completely missed Guest Week - let me fill you in!

I handed my blog over for 14 days to 14 incredible bloggers and writers, and allowed them to write a post about anything - from something they felt passionate about to something that interested them.

And I just want to thank all of the incredible bloggers that took time out to take part in this project, because obviously, I couldn't have done this without them!

Because of how well it went, I'm honestly considering making this an annual thing - which is really exciting because it's allowed me to connect with so many amazing people!

So I want to link to everyone's blog, and their post.
Click on their name to go to their blog, and their post to view their post!

Professional Daydreamer - How I Stay Motivated

Laurella - Aspire to Inspire

Izzy K - Being Passionate About Social Media

Smiley Central - 5 Self-Love Questions Tag

HALE - My 5 Favourite Beauty Gurus

ItsElla - My Inspiration

Em's World - Travelling and Trying New Things

Harley (My sister!) - My Favourite Disney Films

Elise - My Passion For Reading

Victoria Goodlow - 6 Reasons Why He's a Waste of Time

Girl Abroad - Learning To Love Your Flaws

Okay Christina - Relatable Resting Bitch Face Problems

Abi Kelly - Body Confidence

Anastazja's AdventuresMy 365 Miles in 365 Days Challenge

Go and check out every single one of these posts because they're all completely amazing and I am so proud to have them on my blog!

Thank you for reading - both this post and the Guest Week posts!

Comment below which post was your favourite!

Keep Smiling - Lou xx


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