My 365 Miles in 365 Days Challenge - Anastazja's Adventures | Guest Week

Firstly, I would like to say a big thank you to the lovely Bria for choosing me as one of the guest bloggers of the week! I really appreciate this opportunity.
Secondly, I should probably introduce myself, as it would be a bit awkward if I didn't. My name is Anastazja, I'm a 21 year old travel and lifestyle blogger at Anastazja's Adventures. I started up my blog at the beginning of January 2016, so I am still a complete newbie when it comes to blogging.
So you might be thinking that this blog will be all about adventures, travel tips etc. Well... I could talk to you about all of that, but instead, I want to take this opportunity of being a Guest Blogger to post a "one off" special blog about a big challenge that I have taken on for 2016... The "365 Miles in 365 Days" challenge.

What is this “365 Miles in 365 Days 2016" challenge?
You might be thinking, what the hell is she on about!? Am I right?... Well... back in December 2015, I decided to set myself a challenge for 2016. I wanted to work on my fitness as well as contribute towards helping others. So... I decided that I will run a minimum distance of one mile every single day throughout 2016 in aid of The Children's Society - that's right... Every SINGLE DAY come rain or shine.
To some people, one mile a day is nothing, but for me this is a challenge. I am not only challenging myself physically, but mentally also by learning to live with my anxiety and pushing myself to overcome my fears (believe it or not but yes running in a public place can and has been a fear of mine).
And I understand that some of you might be thinking that its early days and I could bail. BUT, in the last three months, I think I have proven myself and others that I am serious and dedicated to complete this challenge. So despite of where I will be in the world during these 12 months... I will run a minimum distance of one mile every day. In the past 3 months I have ran over 100 miles which is also the equivalent to nearly 4 full marathons.

In the recent years, I have taken part in many charity events and raised money for charities such as Cancer Research, Mind and National Literacy Trust. So, when it came to choosing a charity for this challenge, I really wanted to make sure it was a charity that I would truly feel passionate about. I researched into a lot of charities before deciding to support this charity in particular for a whole year!

The Children's Society is a national charity that runs local projects, helping children and young people when they are at their most vulnerable, and have nowhere left to turn. It’s painful to know that many children and young people are still suffering abuse and neglect in silence. I cannot even begin to imagine how distressed a young child feels who has suffered with traumatic sexual exploitation and feels too scared to ask for help, or wants help but doesn't know who to turn to.

Why am I telling you all of this on a Guest Blog post?
Well... Because I am very passionate about this challenge and the charity I am raising money for. I know that I won't be able to cure/stop all of this on my own, but this is why I chose The Children's Charity  who are constantly working on helping these children. I want to help raise money for this charity, as well as support them in creating an awareness of what they do, as no child deserves to go through such traumatic stress of feeling alone. 
In order to do this, I need YOUR help. I would love for you to support me throughout this challenge by liking my Facebook Page.
If any of you are feeling generous then you can also donate via my JustGiving page. Alternatively, if you completely don't care about this challenge, and feel like you wasted your last few minutes reading this, then I deeply apologise.

HOWEVER, if you're interested in my travels and things I get up to in and around London, then head over to my blog.

JustGiving - Sponsor me now!


  1. I love this idea, and Go You! I would definitely be part of the bailing early on category! x


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