5 Self-Love Questions Tag - Smiley Central | Guest Week

Hey guys! I'm Catherine, I have been writing the blog Smiley Central for almost a year now (crazy, right?). I post about feminism, inspiration, lifestyle and anything else that pops into my head really. I'm really happy to be apart of Lou's Guest Week! I have created this tag to promote self love. I figured it would fit in here well as some of you may not know me and the people that do can get to know me better! We all deserve to love ourselves and we all deserve to show that off!

1. Copy and paste these rules into your own post above the questions
2. Answer the questions
3. After the questions, send a kind message to the readers
4. Tag at least five specific bloggers (feel free to do more) but mention that everybody is very welcome to do the tag (just because we all know "I tag everybody reading this" results in nobody else doing it)

1. What is your favourite part of your body?
I love my slim yet strong legs. I love the way they curve and their slimness. I rely on my legs to carry me around, do countless wall sit, run amazing lengths, squat, jump and so many other things, they hardly ever let me down. I have learnt that when I'm really tired, my legs start to ache, after all that work, they send me messages about when I should sleep. I love wearing exercise pants to show their beauty off.

2. What is your favourite trait of your personality?
My favourite part of my personality is something that hasn't always worked in my favour. I'm goofy, I'm weird, I'm not afraid to show that. Because of this, I was bullied. Not as bad as a lot of people but at one of the schools I went to, there wasn't really anybody that was weird like me and the people at the school didn't like that. For a while I tried to be somebody I wasn't but luckily I moved to another school and found some weirdos to be friends with. I don't ever pretend to be somebody I'm not now. If I'm the real me from the start, I attract the right kind of people. I love that I'm different more that anything else about me.

3. What is your ultimate self-date?
At lunch time I go to Subway and take my food home so that I can write blog posts and eat until 2:30 when I go to the Hamilton Gardens (I would have to drive there but let's just ignore that lol) and have a great time exploring the gardens of different countries from home! I leave at 5 and go out for dinner somewhere fancy. I enjoy a lovely meal then come home to my lovely warm bed and watch movies on my computer until I feel like going to sleep. Perfection!

4. What is the best compliment you could ever receive?
I would want my friends to tell me that I'm helpful when they are sad. I try so hard to make sure everybody's happy and to comfort my friends when they need it and I just want to know that I'm doing a good job being the "Fix-It Girl". I really do tie myself up and sometimes I think it would be easier if I didn't comfort every single sad person I come across but I really can't help it.

5. What is something you have achieved that you are proud of?
I think the thing I am most proud of is blogging. Over the time I have been blogging I have developed my writing style, made some true friends, gained a few regular readers (that's something I never thought I would achieve) and grown as a person so much. I'm so grateful that I live in this era, where I can talk to people overseas and share my opinions online freely, I'm so happy that I can share the things I know with others. I'm really proud of my little space online.

My Message To You:
You are beautiful. You are strong. You are kind. That is all true and I believe with my entire soul, I really hope you do too. I know that you aren't perfect and I know that you have regrets. I know sometimes you have difficult days or difficult weeks or difficult months and you might not feel so beautiful, strong and kind in those moments but... You are ALWAYS beautiful. You are ALWAYS strong. You are ALWAYS kind. No matter what. I know that a lot of people say this but please know that I am here for you. I'm quite happy to receive emails at smileycentralinspire@gmail.com whether I know you or not. I will read your email and reply, I want you to know that it is entirely fine if you just want to talk, I'm here.

Lou from Lou's World
Anybody reading this that wants to give it a go!

Thank you very much for reading! I'm looking forward to seeing this tag elsewhere! I'm so happy to be a part of Guest Week and I can't wait to read all the other posts that are part of this project!




  1. I absolutely adore the message behind this tag, it's so creative and exactly the sort of thing we should be promoting xxx


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you so much Izzy! Loving yourself is something that should be shouted from the rooftops!
      <3 Catherine

  2. I absolutely adore the message behind this tag, it's so creative and exactly the sort of thing we should be promoting xxx



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