An Interview With Vicky Wright!

Hey Guys x

If you've not been reading my blog for a long time, then you might not know that I used to do interviews with bloggers!

I don't know why I stopped doing them. It's really embarrassing, but I've had this interview with Vicky sitting in my inbox since May last year! 

I'm so sorry that I haven't uploaded it yet Vicky!

But Vicky has an amazing blog that you can view here! Definitely check it out because it's amazing!

I copied this straight from my emails, which is why there's a white box around the text. Just ignore it!

Anyway, let's get on with the interview!

Introduce yourself to my readers in less than 5 words:
Tea, Cake, Disney, Music, Happy

What is your favourite song to listen to whilst blogging?
This is tough because I listen to so many songs! My two favourite albums to listen to whilst writing are 'Chaos and the Calm' by James Bay and 'The Balcony' by Catfish and the Bottlemen and my favourite songs from those to write to are 'Need the Sun to Break' and 'Cocoon' respectively

Who is your favourite blogger with under 200 followers?
Lou's World- obviously! Also, my incredible friend Katt has a blog too which I also adore

Fashion or food, what posts do you like to read more of?
Fashion- which is weird considering my tragic fashion sense. I think it's because I can't eat gluten which is in a lot of foods so food posts just make me jealous ^.^

What are you best and worst posts and why?
I think my best posts are when I write about something I'm really passionate about- instead of just a tag or my Top 5 Disney Princesses. I really love the playlist posts I do sometimes too because music's something I'm really passionate about and I read other people's playlists for inspiration. Plus they're so much fun to make!
And my worst- they're the ones where I'm totally uninspired but, being stubborn, I refuse to leave my blog empty. I went through a stage when I had the worst internet I've ever had to deal with so I would write short posts in the notes on my phone in the gym then copy and upload them whilst waiting at traffic lights near WiFi open zones. That was a bad time in all my blogging experiences 

Why did you decide to write your blog?
I had a chat with a lovely producer who works at Radio 1 about how to get into the radio industry because there are very few stations round ours to volunteer in and the ones that are here only accept 18+ because of insurance etc. Anyway, he recommended starting a blog about music to get practice and so I did. I enjoyed that it didn't matter if my grammar wasn't A* worthy- if anything, I think my bad grammar and frequent colloquialisms just add personality to my posts!

What about your blog would you want 1 million people to know?
I'd like 1 million people to know it existed! I'd like them to know how much work I do actually put into it- in a year, I've only ever missed my schedule once and that was because of a plane delay and no WiFi (I had a post, I just couldn't upload it!) I'm quite proud of that fact

Would you rather blog everyday or once a month?
Once a month! I did Blogmas round Christmas time and although I thoroughly enjoyed it, I was exhausted. Due to work/college I have to write at night after revision and homework, meaning if I haven't scheduled my work very well, I'll still be writing at 12:30am and I just couldn't do that everyday! I'd rather do one hefty post each month- even if people only read the first couple of paragraphs ^.^

Fun Question- If you could be any superhero, male or female, who would you be?
Forgive me for being extremely ignorant about superheroes, but I'm only familiar with the very common ones- I do want to learn about them all because I know people get very excited when Marvel gets mentioned, I've just not yet had time. Batman's really rich right? So maybe Batman. Or Wonder Woman because I want to kick-ass with blue hair!

Do you prefer taking your own pictures or using ones you find?
I only ever use pictures of album covers or quotes really so generally I just find them on the Internet. I always credit wherever I get them from though- I'm not sure if I have to because I don't earn any money from my blog, but I just think it's polite anyway

Would you want to blog full-time?
No I don't think so- but part time yeah. I think balancing it with a radio job would be a lot of fun

Where do you see your blog in the future?
I want to do a bit more music stuff. Maybe- and I don't know how this would work technically- live blogging a music event like a festival or awards ceremony. That would be really cool (although highly unrealistic). I'd love to do more collab posts too but I'm:
a) too shy to ask
b) very much lacking in collaboration ideas ^.^

Thank you so much Vicky for taking part in this!
And thank you for reading!

Comment below your answers to my questions, or leave my your email address and I could interview some of you guys!

Keep Smiling  - Lou xx


  1. I was so happy to see this post, I love both your and Vicky's posts you're both absolutely lovely girls. It's so interesting to hear more about Vicky, I love how she got into blogging. I really hope she makes it far in the radio industry :)

    1. Thanks so much! I completely agree, she'd be amazing on the radio! xx

  2. Love this sort of post, and has kept me entertained while waiting for a bus! Thanks x


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