Eyes and Smiles!

Hey Guys x

This post used to be called 'Stranger Danger', which is why it's on the picture above!

This whole blog post is going to centre around one single idea.

I have a weird thing with making eye contact with strangers. I feel vulnerable when people on the street are looking at me.

But recently, I've been forcing myself to smile at the people that make eye contact with me. And that isn't necessarily strangers on the street, but more the different people that I see at uni that I don't recognise.

I've found that, when I do this, it invites conversation, which is a really nice thing, especially if I have the class in common with the person that I smile at.

I guess smiling at someone lets them know that you're willing to converse with them, and that you're actually a nice person and not the person that resting-bitch-face makes you seem!

I don't know how this idea popped into my head. I think because it's weird to think about the amount of people in day that see your face, even just in passing. Even if they don't register it, overall your face has been viewed by strangers like a million times, and that's before we even talk about all the selfies that people take and the different people that are able to see these pictures. It's weird to think about, isn't it?

So I just thought, if that's the case, it would be nice to make my face something pleasant to look at.

And I'm not taking about make-up or anything, just a smile. For some people, a smile can brighten up their whole face and it really makes a difference.

Anyway, that was just some random rambles, that probably won't even make sense to the majority of you reading, but I wanted to talk about it.

Thank you for reading

Comment below how you feel about strangers seeing your face!

Lou xx


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