Exams Are Over!

Hey Guys x

I can't believe I finally get to say this...


I'm writing this on Thursday, just after my last exam has finished!

To be honest, my last exam did not go well, but I'm not even thinking about it because I've finally finished!

I honestly worked my arse off and because of that, I'm going to enjoy my time off, no matter how I think I've done!

For those who may want to know, I did/do English literature, sociology and religious studies, and I have to say, it's probably been one of the hardest years academically.

Everyone talks about the jump between AS and A2 in the UK education system, but you never really know how big the jump is until you're actually revising! The content is crazy!

Anyway, this isn't going to be a very long post because I'm just giving an update.

When I left the exam hall, a great weight was lifted from me. I had no more revision to do.

I can finally focus on reading and writing and blogging! I can finally let go of a lot of anxiety and stress. This year has been so stressful!

I'm so glad that I can finally just let it go and focus on things that I actually enjoy (sorry school but academics does not excite me!) and the things that I want to do with the rest of my life, like writing a book!

And to be honest, I'm not spending my early holidays in the same way that everyone else probably is.

In fact, after coming home after my exam, the first thing I did was clean my bedroom, and then alphabetise my bookshelf!

That's so true and it made me so happy to actually look at my books in alphabetical order! That sounds incredibly sad, and I know this, but I actually don't care because I'm so happy with it right now.

I also chose the 11 books that I'm going to try to read this summer and put them in the order in which I'll be reading them, and trust me, I'm very excited!

Thank you for reading

Comment below how you're spending the summer!

Keep Smiling - Lou xx


  1. I'm sure you've done really well. I'll be spending my summer working, writing and re decorating my bedroom.xx

  2. good luck :D

    Wow great post !!
    your blog is gawjus !!

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    have a wonderful day

  3. I couldn't agree with you more!! Leaving school after finishing exams is just such a weight off of your shoulders. I'm planning to get a lot of reading done this summer as well :) and hopefully do something fun other then just the usual stay at home all day <3


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