What's wrong with society?

This is going to be more of a rant, so it won't have my usual format with loads of pictures. I wanted to write about that things that I believe are wrong with the society that we live in today. There are some things, that many people do and say, purely because of our society. We live in a time when people are supposed to be equal, but a still discriminated against, a time when people try to be an individual by doing the same things as everyone else, and a time when our differences divide us rather than unite us.
To me, these are the problems with society:

Weight judgement:
Some people have the mind-set that, if you're not a size zero, then you should be classed as 'fat'. The word fat is one of my least favourite words in the entire world. People generally believe that bigger people are unhealthy and thinner people are always healthy, not taking into account illnesses such as anorexia and bulimia, which directly relates to people believing that there is something wrong with them. I find the fact that people go to such desperate lengths to change themselves, purely because society says they should, completely horrible.  As long as you're happy and healthy, it doesn't matter what you look like. This goes in the opposite way as well, with people who are naturally thin feeling bad about themselves because people call them 'skinny'. We shouldn't be forced to all look the same because if we all looked the same, there would be people complaining that we are not unique. We shouldn't aspire to be the models in the magazines because we don't need to, we're all perfect as we are. If we change, we should change because we want to, not because we think we have to.

Social Class judgement:
Are you working-class or middle-class? More importantly, who cares? Many people believe that our social class determines our progress in school, our friends and our jobs. This doesn't have to be true. Of course, according to sociologists, there is evidence of working-class children achieving less than middle-class children, but this is due to the way that these children are treated. I believe that if all people are treated the same, then they will have the same opportunities. Some people are obviously more talented academically than others, but this doesn't have to have anything to do with the social class of the particular people. It's unfair to treat people differently based on their social class because we don't know what makes up a social class. Is it where someone grew up? What jobs their parents have? What GCSE grades they got? Who are we to prematurely decide what someone's social class is, and to judge them because of it?

Judgement in general:
No one is perfect. If you read my last 'Girl Talk' post, you will know that there is no such thing as the perfect person. whether your looking for the perfect man or the perfect woman. If you acknowledge that you are not perfect, there is no way that you could ever have the right to judge someone else. Everyone is different, and no one should feel like they are better than anyone else. Society rejects this. Society makes us think that judging people is in our nature, and that it is impossible to meet someone and not have some sort of judgement about them, and in some ways, this is true. We all make first judgements about someone when we meet them, or if someone says something that we don't particularly agree with. But there is a difference between judging someone internally, and acting upon these judgements. We shouldn't treat people differently if we have not been able to walk a mile in their shoes. And if we are not willing to walk in their shoes, then we can't think about judging them.

What's wrong with being different? We live in a time where people spend their lives trying as hard as they can to conform to the norms of the society that we live in. We believe that we must have the right hair, the softest skin, the bluest eyes. We pick on our flaws without realising that no one else sees them as flaws. You may see your curly hair as something horrible, someone else with straight hair might wish for hair like yours. You might think that your short legs make you look horrible, the girl with long legs might think that hers make her look like a freak. You might think that your arms are too muscly,  your thin best friend might wish that he looked exactly like you. When you think of your flaws, just remember that flaws to you might be the best thing in the world to someone else. We shouldn't conform to what society wants because, by being ourselves, we may be just what society needs.

Many people believe that money makes the world go round. Other people believe that money is the root of all evil. Money causes the most differences between people because people are so obsessed by it. Some people are judged based on the income that their parents get, others are discriminated against by the money that they earn themselves. As long as you are comfortable, don't allow people to make you feel bad about the money that you do or don't have. Money doesn't buy happiness, and by not caring about the money that you have, your happiness can be maximised.

Bullying and Peer pressure:
Society makes us think that certain things about us are ok and other things need to be changed. Because of this, it opens the door to the fact the people can openly tease and discriminate against us because of the things that society says are wrong with us. We are make to feel like outcasts because we are different to the exact perception that society seems to have of us. This is not ok. People are all different, and society shouldn't be able to dictate to us how we should and shouldn't live our lives. Peer pressure encourages us to act in different ways because society says that we shouldn't be who we are. We need to break free of this oppression so that we can be our own people. If we openly accept our differences, we can't be bullied for having them or pressured into changing them.

Having said all of this, we must remember the fact that society is primarily run by us. We can't expect society to change if we are not prepared to change ourselves.

I hope you enjoyed this post. Let me know if you enjoy my rants, or if you'd prefer me to stick to reviews and advice (I.E. 'Girl Talk's).

Comment below for more things that you don't understand about society.


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