Skyscraper | Film Review

Image result for skyscraper poster

Hey Guys x

I saw this film opening weekend and couldn't wait to review it. Usually I'm not first in line for the big blockbusters, but I decided to make an exception for this.

It's about a former FBI agent and war veteran called Will Sawyer. He is working in the tallest building in the world, situated in Hong Kong, and his family are the only residents of said building. While he is away, the building catches on fire, trapping his family inside, and he is framed for causing the blaze. While on the run, he has to find a way to get back inside and save his family. But how do you break into the world's tallest, safest building? And even if he gets inside, who started the fire in the first place?

I really really enjoyed this movie. I've heard that's quite an unpopular opinion, but it's mine.

I heard this film being described as 'absurd entertainment' and I think that that's exactly what it is.

Because yes, it is extremely absurd. I saw the film with my sister and every ten minutes we would turn to each other and laugh because something ridiculous and completely unrealistic was happening on the screen. And I'm fairly certain that if the movie's events happened in real life everyone would probably have died gruesome deaths. But who cares?

This film is a brilliant form of escapism. Whether you liked it or not, you have to admit that for those two hours, you were only thinking about what was happening on the screen.

It's the kind of film that pulls you in. You feel like you're living in the exact same world that they are, you're rooting for Sawyer and his family, you want them to succeed. And a large part of that comes down to Dwayne Johnson, who plays Sawyer. In terms of monetary value, he's a big summer blockbuster draw. But in terms of actual acting, he was completely the right person to take on this role, and he did it amazingly.

Overall, if you're looking for some incredibly cheesy escapism in the form of someone jumping from a crane into a skyscraper with approximately 96 floors between himself and the concrete ground with nothing in between, go and see this!



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