How To Prepare For Exam Results

If you live in the UK, and are currently in school/college, then you may know that in the next 2 weeks GCSE, AS and A2 exam results are coming out! This is a really stressful time for everyone who is awaiting those results in particular. Having said this, most people have to do exams at some point in their lives, so I think my tips will be helpful to most people.

I am receiving my AS results on Thursday, which means that I have already been through the pressure of receiving my GCSE results last year, so I think I have some useful tips for how to prepare for results day.

I hope my 3 tips stop you from being too anxious and nervous about your upcoming exam results.

Whatever Will Be Will Be

I like to use this saying all the time in everyday life, but specifically to exam results. Being anxious is normal, completely. But continually thinking and worrying about what your results will be is not going to change them. You secured your results back in May/June when you finished the exams, however you feel about the results from that moment on will not change them. I'm not saying not to worry, I'm saying that whatever will be will be, nothing can change those results, so don't spend too much time worrying, it will only make you feel worse about how you did.

It's Not The End Of The World

We all want the best results - and we worked damn hard to get them! But, and I can't stress this enough, our exam results are not the end of the world. Exams measure our memory, not our intelligence, and they don't change who we are as people. So if you get worse than you wanted to get, of course it's gutting, but that feeling won't last forever. There's always re-takes, or you may even discover that you'd rather do an apprenticeship of get a job than do exams anyway!

You Did Your Best

I assume that most people try their hardest for their exams. So take comfort in the fact that you tried your best. We generally get the results that we deserve. So if you tried your best, you'll get what you worked for. And, to work out if you did try your hardest, look at it like this: If you didn't try your hardest, you wouldn't worry about your results, because subconsciously, you'd already know them.
So overall, smile, keep calm, breathe. You'll be fine.
Thank you for reading.
If you're currently anticipating exam results, I wish you Good Luck. I hope you get the results that you truly deserve xx
Comment below how you prepare for exam results.
If you're currently anticipating exam


  1. Lovely post! You give really good advice :D

  2. Great advice and I love the quotes and photos too! Goodluck for your results! Abi :)

  3. This is really great advice! I do tend to get nervous when I have an exam or when I'm waiting for the results -_- it's awful haha.

    Lipstick and Mocha


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