May December | Film Review

Twenty years after their romance captivated the nation for all the wrong reasons, a couple's relationship changes when an actress (Natalie Portman) researches them for a movie about their lives.

I heard so much about this movie that I watched it as soon as I could. I had no context, and no idea what it was actually about.

I liked this film, though 'like' is a really trivial word when you know what it's about.

This is a really interesting story, told in a unique and intriguing way. I didn't know what to expect and was more invested than I thought I would be.

The characters are fascinating and complex. They are coming from three very distinct points of view, and it's really interesting to see the story through each of their eyes.

The acting is great from all three of the main actors, but Charles Melton is a definite standout and played his role so well.

The film moves slowly but is never boring. At times I found that even though there wasn't much happening, I couldn't look away from the screen.

One thing that I didn't expect was to become invested in the background characters. On the surface, the film is about the three main characters, so I never thought about the impact this relationship would have on the other people in their lives. And again, these roles were played so well!

The thing that hit me the hardest was watching Joe (Melton) come to terms with everything that his life became as a result of this relationship. It was really impactful to see the way he was manipulated in real time.

A really powerful character study.

Overall, I completely understand why so many people were talking about this film when it came out because it's definitely a must-watch. 

8/10 stars


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