Justice League | Film Review

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Hey Guys x

This came out so long ago that I wasn't even gonna review it.

But I've seen it a few times now, and I know that I have a different view of the film than a lot of the critics out there, so I thought that it might be worth it to add my two cents to the discussion.

I'm actually quite a fan of most of the DCEU movies, so I was very excited to see this one.

Bruce Wayne, like many superheroes, wants to save the world from any enemies that may rise. But he can't do it alone. So, with the help of Diana Prince, they find themselves a group of superheroes with a common enemy - Steppenwolf, who wants to become the world's most powerful being. Can Steppenwolf go up against Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg? And can the team defeat him without Superman?

Now, controversial opinion, I like this film. I mean, obviously it's not flawless in any sense, but not comparing it to anything else, I enjoyed it.

For a start, I enjoyed seeing the dynamic between all of these heroes. They all have extremely different personalities, but when they get together it's almost like watching a superhero-based sitcom (which I'm surprised no one has tried to make yet!) and I loved that aspect of it.

I also enjoyed the fact that there was more humour in this one. Now don't get me wrong, I watched the 3hr cut of Batman V Superman and was completely OK with the darkness and lack of jokes, but the jokes in this one makes it a much easier watch because you don't care that much about the stakes. And while that probably seems like a bad thing to a lot of people, I enjoyed the fact that I could focus on how the heroes worked together without worrying about whether or not they'd defeat the villain.

Which of course, means that I have to talk about the villain. One of the things that I actually agree with the critics about. This villain may have been fine for a single-superhero movie. But for the first team-up of some of the biggest heroes the world knows, Steppenwolf wasn't good enough. I'm sorry, he just wasn't. There was no doubt about them solving the problem, and if the stakes were higher, maybe more people would have enjoyed it.

And now I also have to talk about Superman. There were a lot of jokes about the editing that was done due to Henry Cavill's mustache, and honestly, that did take me out of the film somewhat. His face looked so weird and abnormal that I don't understand how the people editing thought that the audience wouldn't notice it!
Nevertheless, let's talk about his character. I think Zack Snyder did an amazing job of creating this version of Superman through Man of Steel and B V S, and while I did enjoy his character in Justice League, you can't ignore the fact that he's very different. It could have been because he died in B V S, but he changed in a very noticeable way. As I said, I enjoyed him, but I kind of wish we'd seen a bit more of the character that he was in Man of Steel.

Another thing I wish is that we had the solo movies before the team-up. I know that that might not have been possible for whatever reason, but I'm really looking forward to seeing Aquaman at the end of the year, and would have loved to know more about him before seeing him in JL.
Having said that, I really enjoyed the way that each of the characters were recruited. It did tell me a lot about them, and it didn't take anything away from the film that I didn't really know who they were. Not to compare to Marvel, but I watched 'The Avengers' before I saw any of the solo movies, and it's kind of the same thing. Seeing the way that the heroes work together means that you don't have to see them as solo heroes first, I just would have liked to.

I think the main reason that I love the film is because I don't see it how it's supposed to be seen. With B v S, I knew that the stakes were high, I knew that it was dark and to be taken seriously, I knew that it was three hours long, and adjusted my film-watcher-pallet accordingly so that I could enjoy it for what it was.
With this, I went in with no expectations, and so saw it as something fun and funny. I don't know if that's what the filmmakers were going for, but that's what I got out of it. It's the kind of film that I can have on in the background (like I do now) and tune in at any time to find something entertaining going on. While the other DC films have high stakes and are really meaningful, this for me is just a piece of entertainment, and I enjoyed it just as that.



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