I Don't Follow The Blogging Rules!

Hey Guys x

I don't think I'm a typical blogger.

Well, I don't think any blogger is 'typical', but there are things that a lot of bloggers do that I don't, so I thought I'd make a post that basically highlights how different I am to other bloggers.

Hopefully, if you think you're different too, this gives you some peace of mind!

Not Being Active on Social Media
I'm not the most active person on social media. I have twitter and Instagram (both under Louleecutie, for anyone that wants to follow me!) but I'm not super active. For Instagram especially, I hardly post. And that's for no other reason than I don't take that many pictures that I think people would want to see. And on twitter, I don't really tweet that much, just because I forget, or have nothing to tweet about and don't like tweeting just for the sake of tweeting. I definitely use twitter to promote, and it's great for that. I also take part in twitter chats, which I think are really great! But in general, I don't tweet that much. And I really will try to tweet more, but I've found that not tweeting doesn't really affect my blog views, but promotion certainly helps!

Every blogger talks about taking their own photos, most of them because they're beauty bloggers which makes sense - if I reviewed products, I'd definitely use my own pictures. But my posts are like online diary entries sprinkled with reviews and movie stuff, so it's so much easier for me to use copyright-free photos, and I'll probably continue to do this!

My Blog Content
As I said above, my blog posts are like online diary entries. My passions are books and movies, and I talk about the things I love non-stop. I don't really post about things that I think would be popular if I don't really like them. I feel like, because of this, my blog is quite niche - if you don't like the things that I post about, you won't like my blog and you might not even like me. My blog is very personal in that way, which is also why I find it hard to do sponsored posts, because if has to be something very specific to get me interested.

A Strict Schedule
I usually post three times a week, on Mondays, Fridays and Sundays. But recently I've found that it's OK not to be really strict with your schedule. It's nice for people to know when you upload, but if I miss a day, I don't beat myself up over it anymore, because if people do like my content, they'll like it on whatever day I choose to put it up.

And those are just some of the ways that I think I differ from other bloggers. There will probably be a follow-up to this when I think of more things!

Thank you for reading!

Comment below some of the blogging rules that you don't follow!

Lou xx


  1. I think it's great that you have your own blogging style. There's not particular rules you have to follow to be a blogger, and I think that's a wonderful thing :)


  2. I feel I'm the same with you on lot of these things... I am really bad at not being active on social media, I'll lurk haha but I'm not posting on there! I'm terrible at promoting blog posts! I just feel like I'd be spamming people if I scheduled tweets to promote my blog posts :/

    But I think you have your own personal style to blogging and that's what makes me come back and read your blog! I think the "rules" that are set for bloggers are made to be broken, because we're all individuals! Em xx


  3. i love this blog post !! just amazing :) I love love your style :) good job :)

    New video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWciqZN_Tnw&t=41s

    New post - http://myroutinesjade.blogspot.co.uk/2017/01/my-bucket-list.html

  4. One of my favourite things about you as a blogger is that you blog about whatever you want because it really lets the reader see you as a person! I also love that you engage with your readers through comments. In fact I've nominated you for the inspirational blogger award! It's an award that we (me and Lucy) have created because it is our blog anniversary today! We would love it if you could complete the tag and check out our post, it's a slightly different style to most blog awards so we hope you like it!
    Aleeha xXx

    1. Thank you so much! I'll definitely check out this tag on your blog xx

  5. Everything here I relate to . I'm from lazy blogger. my last post was in December! I nned to blog more

    1. Blog as much as you want to, you're a good blogger either way xx


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