I Don't Follow The Blogging Rules!
Hey Guys x I don't think I'm a typical blogger. Well, I don't think any blogger is 'typical', but there are things that a lot of bloggers do that I don't, so I thought I'd make a post that basically highlights how different I am to other bloggers. Hopefully, if you think you're different too, this gives you some peace of mind! Not Being Active on Social Media I'm not the most active person on social media. I have twitter and Instagram (both under Louleecutie, for anyone that wants to follow me!) but I'm not super active. For Instagram especially, I hardly post. And that's for no other reason than I don't take that many pictures that I think people would want to see. And on twitter, I don't really tweet that much, just because I forget, or have nothing to tweet about and don't like tweeting just for the sake of tweeting. I definitely use twitter to promote, and it's great for that. I also take part in twitter chats,...